Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

SONG an PIC ON side  

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(Gabriel POV)

I felt a weight on me when I woke up I frowned at it and tried to move away but I couldn’t I sighed I opened my eyes only to see a white I frowned again what the hell my sheets aren’t white there sky blue. I lifted my head up to see that it was Ash chest I completely forgot she spent the night I lifted the sheets and looked under one of my legs were between hers and one hers was on top on mines we were tangled together I needed to go the bathroom I slowly lifted her arm off of me and discreetly untangled our legs I stopped moving when she shifted and turned over facing the other side when she settled down again I stood and went to the bathroom relieve my self once I was done I fix myself up by brushing my teeth washing my face and combing my hair. I walked back to the room and Ash was still sleeping peacefully.

 Since she was sleeping I decided to go downstairs and fix breakfast it was still early so it wasn’t to late for it. I went into the kitchen and pulled out some pots and pans I was going to make a simple breakfast pancakes eggs and bacon yum. I opened the fridge and pulled out the eggs and bacon I cracked the eggs in a bowl and stirred them up before getting the pancake mix out I haven’t made them in a while so I’m excited to make them. I poured the pancake mix into another bowl and added all of the ingredients to the bowl I mixed them up and poured them into a pan making perfect circles around the pot. While the pancakes were cooking I started on the bacon I poured some grease into a pan and put the bacon in I flip the pancakes over and started the eggs I don’t think we need a lot of pancakes but then again she does eat a lot. I went back I in the fridge and pulled out juice and milk I don’t know which one she likes so I’ll just put both of them out for her. This may take awhile so I pulled my I-pod off of the kitchen shelve I call it my kitchen I-pod it’s the old one I had before I got the touch I plugged it into the speakers and put it on shuffle.


I woke up to an empty bed confused I looked under the sheets and Gabriel wasn’t there I frowned she could have woken me up I pushed the sheets off of me and went into her bathroom. I yawned and scrunched up my face ugh morning breath I have to find a toothbrush I stepped in front of her cabinet and rummaged through it looking for and unused toothbrush luckily I found one in the back still in the package she wouldn’t mind me using it I found the tooth paste and brushed me teeth thoroughly before I went in her bathroom closet and took out a wash cloth I washed my face and tried to fix my hair but it wasn’t working so I tried running my hand through it before I gave up. Now to find Gabriel I walked out the bathroom and walked out her room I felt a breeze on my legs maybe should I put some pants on I frowned at my legs until I smelt a aroma coming down the hallway y stomach automatically growled I definitely not getting pants now I followed the sent down stairs and to the kitchen I pushed the swinging door opened, Gabriel was prancing around the kitchen in an apron singing “Are you going to be my girl” by Jet there was a stack of pancakes bacon and eggs next to her on the counter she was still cooking 2 more pancakes. I smiled as she danced to the stove and picked up the pot and spatula I pushed of the door frame and walked up behind. (A/n Song on the side in case yo dont know it at 2 minutes and 28 seconds that the part Ash says)

 “I said are you gonna be my girl” I sung my favorite part of the song in a low voice while I wrapped my arms around her waist, she jump slightly and looked at me over her shoulder me grinning she still had the spatula and Pan in her hand ready to flip the pancakes.

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