Chapter 2

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Team 7 was sitting underneath a tree waiting for their Sensei to show up. Sasuke tired of the silence decided to speak up. "Hey loser when do you think Sensei will show up?"

"Don't know don't care." Wait I should apologize for yesterday that way they think they can trust me. "Hey listen Sasuke I'm sorry for yesterday I..."

"It's fine by the way why do you cover your left eye?"


"Naruto answer Sasuke!"

"..."(this is Sasuke)

"... Because I can." Everyone sweat dropped at the blondes answer.

"Yo!" Everyone turned around to face Kakashi.


"Sakura please refrain from damaging my eardrums." Sakura nodded and gulped not wanting to infuriate the young blonde.

"Well umm...You have till noon to get these to bells from me." Kakashi told his team-to-be as he took out a clock and placed it on a stump then held up two bells. "Alright BEGIN!" The three jumped off to the trees and hid. "Hmm seems like they got the hiding part down." Kakashi closed his eyes. Sasuke's Southeast Sakura's South and Naruto's wait... where's Naruto? Kakashi opened his eyes and began trying to look for Naruto's chakra signature. "I don't get it where is he?" The 'one eyed' scarecrow mumbled to himself. "*groan* I might as well deal with Sasuke and Sakura first." Kakashi took off headed for Sakura.
(A/N the 'fight' between Kakashi and Sakura is the same so is the fight between him and Sasuke) "Now I just have to find the blonde!" Kakashi stood up and was about to jump off when Naruto appeared infront of him. "Speak of the devil."

"Sensei." Kakashi looked surprised that the pre-teen called him that. "I'm-I'm sorry about earlier. I was just mad I guess. It was wrong for me to vent my anger out on you. I-I'm sorry Sensei." Kakashi smiled at Naruto's apology.

"Hey it's alright Naruto but why did you throw a kunai at Sasuke and the others."

"I was having a bad day I woke up late so I missed early morning training, then I was almost late to the academy. I guess I've never messed up before so it just went to my head."

"Alright Naruto lets test your skills." Naruto nodded. "Lesson 1: Taijutsu." The two ran at eachother. Naruto aimed a punch at Kakashi's face, the scarecrow dodged but missed the kick that was coming at the same time. After landing a hit in Kakashi's ribs Naruto charged and elbowed him in the stomach. Kakashi caught the elbow and Naruto twisted around and grabbed the bells before jumping away.

"*pant* I believe *pant* I win Sensei *pant*!"

"You do." Around that time Sasuke and Sakura wandered onto the field. "So Naruto who do you give the other bell to?" Sasuke and Sakura perked up at this.

"I-I don't deserve to pass I was a horrible teammate I'll give them both a bell." Naruto lied hoping no one noticed. If I keep this up I'll have their trust in no time! Then I'll get Minato to teach me his jutsu! It'll come as a total surprise to them when I go rogue to find my brother! Naruto held up the two bells and tossed them to Sasuke and Sakura who looked surprised.

"But Naruto we didn't do anything! You deserve the bells!" Both-Sasuke and Sakura- said in unison before tossing the bells back to Naruto. Said blonde looked surprised as he shook his head and tried to hand them back. The annoying twits Sasuke and Sakura are why won't they just keep the bells! The blonde haired pre-teen ranted in his head. Kakashi-who was totally watching this whole time-eye smiled at them and decided to tell them they passed.

"Team 7..." the three stopped and looked at their Sensei-to-be, "Is official congratulations on passing!" Sasuke and Sakura looked baffled and Naruto smiled a little happy that his plan worked. "Alright Team meat me here in two days at 7:00 am." The new Team 7 began to walk out as Sasuke ran up to Naruto.

"Hey loser why do you cover your eye?"

"Didn't you ask me that earlier?"

"Ya but you didn't answer! Is your eye different or something no one has ever seen your left eye?" Naruto shrugged,

"You'll find out when you find out see ya!" And with that Naruto shunshined home.

Naruto's P.O.V
I walked into Minato's house and called for him, "FATHER!" He flashed into the room.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking around for the imaginary enemy.

"Nothing's wrong father I just wanted to know if you could maybe um..." He looked at me and smiled. "Maybe teach me a new jutsu."

"Sure what do you wanna learn?"

"TeachmetheRasenganandHirashin!" I blurted out quickly.

"Woah slow down good now repeat yourself."

"Well since I'm your son I figured if I could learn your jutsu. Please teach me the rasengan and hirashin please!" I begged while inwardly grimacing. Man this is such a pain!

"Sure go wait in the backyard I'll bring the supplies you'll need to learn the rasengan." I nodded and started to head out when I stopped and raised an eyebrow.

"Supplies?" He chuckled,

"Just go outside you'll see!" I humphed and walked outside.

As I stood there I wondered what could be taking him so long. A second later he walked out with a large bag. He set it down and pulled out two water balloons. "Okay now take this balloon and using your chakra make it pop." He handed me the balloon. "Here before you try watch me." He held out his hand with the balloon in it and I watched as the water swirled in different directions. "Okay now you try!" I held out my hand and closed my eyes making my chakra swirl the water in different directions. I opened my eyes and watched as the balloon popped. "Wow good job!" Minato praised, "Now pop this." He took at a rubber ball and handed it to me. I stared at him like he was crazy a sweat drop forming. He chuckled, "Watch me." He did the same thing as last time and the ball popped. "It's harder because the balls hollow." I sighed and swirled my chakra a hole appeared in the side of the ball and it deflated.

As I watched the ball deflate I deflated as well. "Stupid ball!"

"Hey don't worry it took me three years to create that jutsu. It even took my Sensei one of the Sannin a month to learn it! You probably won't master it for a while." I stared at him.

"Thanks for the encouragement." I dead panned sarcasm coating every word.

A/N chapter 2! Completeo

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