Chapter 9

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Suddenly I couldn't think for myself. Sasuke, he was.. well I don't know I'm not a medic nin, I just know he's not okay. White hot rage consumed me as I lunged at the mirror, I punched one and it cracked. I could feel the nine tails consuming me, one tail appeared and my arm was reconstructed out of the nine tails aura. I attacked with all my strength, the heat emanating from my body melted the ice until it was just me and the boy. I stared at him with animalistic eyes and lunges forwards, intent on killing him.

"It seems I have failed you Zabuza." The boy whispered, accepting his fate. Right as I was about to reach him the boys eyes widened and he disappeared. A whisper of the words he left behind, echoing in the air. "Not yet." I halted and look around, still consumed by rage. I watched as the boy appeared in between Zabuza and Kakashi, the latter of which had his hand straight through the boys chest. Watching his blood splatter made my bloodlust increase. I slowly walked towards Zabuza. "Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill." I kept reiterating the word over and over again. Walking closer and closer to Zabuza.

Now I stood about 5 feet away from him. Kakashi and Zabuza both turned to look at me. Zabuza seemed startled by my appearance and Kakashi grew visibly concerned. I extended out my right arm and flexed my fingers, extending my claws. A sickening grin over took my face as I lunged forward, hand aimed at Zabuza's chest. Right as I was about to pierce through his chest, Kakashi released his hounds and Zabuza was quick to grab his sword and block my attack. I grit my teeth, my pulse becoming even more erratic. I let out a low growl and lifted my clawed hand. I quickly ran behind Zabuza and aimed for his head. Zabuza was too slow to stop my assault. I watched as my claws pierced through his skull, coming back out of his eye sockets. And I grinned, letting out a chilling laughter that would send fear into the hearts of even the most sadistic shinobi. I ripped my hand from his head when suddenly his body turned into water, crashing against the ground. My eyes hardened and I stared at Kakashi who had his chidori ready.

"Naruto." He spoke, "you need to calm down." He took a step forward when we heard laughter from the end of the bridge. Everyone turned to see Gato and a large group of thugs standing, watching us.

3rd Person P.O.V.

"Thanks for killing the brat." Gato said, walking forwards and kicking Haku's dead body. "Now where's the other one? Did you kill him too?" Before anyone could respond Zabuza appeared, directly in front of Gato. The small man cursed and sent his group of thugs at Zabuza, while Gato himself moved to the back. Zabuza didn't seemed fazed by this at all as he ran headfirst into the group, cutting them to pieces with his large blade. As he attacked however he got several weapons lodged into his back, sticking out of his skin. Refusing to let this slow him down, Zabuza continued to kill the thugs until they all lay dead before him. The cow man moved forwards until he was right in front of Gato, and without any words he sliced the short man in half, kicking his body off the bridge. The swordsman turned around before collapsing. He managed to pull the weapons from his back and crawl over to Haku before he felt death claiming him. Right as he was about to shut his eyes for good snow came falling from the sky. Are you doing this Haku? The man thought before succumbing to death. Kakashi sighed and walked over closing both of their eyes before turning around to face Naruto. Said boy only seemed to be fueled by the blood shed as red chakra continued to surround his body. They met eyes and Naruto smiled before lunging forwards, Kakashi's eye widened and he cursed before grabbing the boys outstretched hand. Kakashi winced as the chakra burned him but he ignored the pain and threw Naruto into the side of the bridge. He pinned his student to the ground and knocked him out. Almost immediately the red chakra disappeared and Naruto's soft snores could be heard. Kakashi eyed his student wearily, as if the nine tails would take over any moment and attack him. After deciding the boy was truly unconscious and no longer a threat, Kakashi picked up his student and began making his way over to where Sakura stood over Sasuke's body. Upon reaching them, the pinkette looked at her teacher with tears in her eyes.

"Will they be okay sensei?" Sakura asked, eyeing the unconscious boy in Kakashi's arms before turning her attention back to Sasuke. Kakashi looked at Naruto, he was certain the blonde would be fine, then his eyes landed on Sasuke. He was covered in needles and his body lay limp. But the seasoned jonin could still detect a chakra signature from the Uchiha so he decided he would be alright, too.

"They'll both be just fine, Sakura. They just need a little rest is all." Kakashi shifted Naruto onto his back and wrapped the boys legs around his waist and his arms around his neck. "Now, help me carry Sasuke." Before either ninja could move, Sasuke groaned and his eyes cracked open. The Uchiha struggled to sit up and pulled out a needle.

"Ouch." Sakura's eyes filled with joy at seeing her teammate was relatively okay.

"Don't push yourself, Sasuke. Here, let me help you get the needles out." Sakura crouched down near Sasuke and began gently pulling out the needles. A few minutes had passed and a now needle free Sasuke stood, pulling Sakura up with him.

"What happened, with the boy in the mask. The fake hunter-nin?" Sasuke asked, wondering if Naruto was truly able to defeat the masked ninja all on his own.

"Naruto destroyed his mirror dome, but then the boy jumped in front of Kakashi-sensei's attack, protecting Zabuza." Sasuke nodded, listening to his teammate's explanation while staring at the blonde on his sensei's back. Naruto had always been a bit of a loner, depending only on himself, it was as if he refused to accept that other people were willing to help him.

"I... see." Sasuke said, still seeming slightly dazed from being unconscious. The raven haired boy swayed slightly on his feet and Sakura hooked his arm around her shoulder. Sasuke gave her a small grateful smile that was almost immediately replaced by a neutral face.

"Sakura, help Sasuke back to Tazuna's place. I'll carry Naruto, I think we all could use a little rest." The pinkette nodded and the three of them began walking towards the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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