Chapter 2I

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When I was a little girl, my father used to tell me stories.

He once told a tale of love. A boy and a girl. How in their complicated and unfair lives, they'd run away together, to live happily ever after. For they loved eachother. But their foolish actions had taken on serious consequences. War had started in the ruling nations of the country, because the girl was thought to be kidnapped. She had been the kings daughter. One day, she was found. And for her foolishness, her true love was beheaded for "kidnapping" her. She'd paid the price for taking a risk for whom she loved.

How foolish.

I had nothing more to lose at this point, nothing more to gain. Never did I think there would come a day, when I would be the one behind the glass mirror.

Never did I think, that one day, I would be the one sitting in a chair at an empty table, hands cuffed, being interrogated by one who had once saved my life.

Sitting in front of me was Gordan. Staring at me, waiting paitently for me to answer his questions. But why bother, it was all over now.

"Alissa, I know that this is difficult, but it's not any easier for me either. Did you kill those three men, Alissa?"

He slowly placed three pictures on the table and slid them towards me. It was the crime scenes from the murders I had in fact committed.

Two from the alleywy, and one from my apartment bedroom. Black lipstick stained the first two victims, while blood stained the floor of the third picture.

I analyzed the photos once more, and then looked up at Gordan, who I found to be staring at me. I looked behind him at the locked metal door, causing him to do the same.

Gordan sighed deeply and took the pictures back, putting them away neatly in a hidden inside pocket that lined in his coat. He leaned in a little closer, talking softly.

"Look Alissa, they have a big case riding on you. They've got all the evidence they need. Enough evidence to put you away for life. I'm trying to help you, but I need you to cooporate? If you just admit to the murders, then maybe we can explain why. And I know it's not the best option, but we could persuade the judge into putting you into a sycheatric hospital, a mental Asylum. Your case would go smoother if they think your crazy. Just trust me on this, alright?"

Once again, I looked at Gordan, and I thought for a moment. Maybe he was right... I mean, maybe I actually was crazy? I gave Gordan the slightest of nods, and he turned around to leave.

He unlocked the door, and just as he was leaving, he stopped a moment.

"And Alissa, John's alive."

The door was shut and I could clearly hear it being locked. My heart suddenly began to beat a little faster, I could feel my body heating up. And I almost thought I was going to be sick.

Bu-... but how was he still alive? He died in the explosion? John was dead.
..... Where had he been all this time?

Piles upon Piles of questions began to swirl around my mind.

What ever feelings he'd had for me before, once he found out what I'd done, he'd never speak to me again. It was his death that had triggered the chain of events that, now, were leading to my sentencing.

I thought he was dead. Suddenly, a wave of emotion erupted throughout my body. My heart was screaming yes, and beating with excitement that John wasn't dead. But dread filled my mind as I played out all of the possible outcomes that my future might hold.

And still, this was all because of the Joker. I was here, sitting in this very room, in handcuffs, because of the Joker. Everything, every thing, was connected to the Joker. It was as if secretly, he controlled Gotham, and maybe he did.

He'd done it too. He'd won. And that meant that my promise to John was forever broken, or perhaps it ceased to even exist anymore, for John hadn't even died.

I looked over to the three scars on my left arm. The darkest one had once been for me, a twisted funeral. But like John, I'd also come back from the dead. Only to realize I'd woken up in hell.

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