An Unknown path #1 (Rewritten)

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Guide- (Just a guide for the story pls, pls stop commenting on them I beg)

(Y/N) = Your name 

(E/C) = Eye Color 

(H/C) = Hair Color 

(H/L) = Hair Length


You stared ahead of you as a small town came into view, you were surprised by the number of people in the town square. It seemed as though something had happened, 'I did see a band of Holy knights come from this direction, maybe they had something to do with it.' You thought to yourself as you tugged the black hood further over your face, before adjusting the white scarf that sat loosely on your shoulders. The quiet sound of yelling was the only thing that interrupted the soft padding of your footsteps against the leaf-carpeted ground. A look of concern crosses your face as you quicken your pace towards the nearing town. Two large energy wavelengths came from in front of her, one was a weapon infused with the energy of a holy knight while the other was very familiar, but you were unable to put your finger on it. The last time you had felt that energy was 10 years ago.

Slowly you enter the town, the outer edge was empty as it seemed everyone was crowd near the center. Approaching, you notice everyone's attention was drawn to the sword stabbed into the ground in the town center, it was radiating the energy you had picked up on your way here.

'A Holy knight's weapon just as I had thought.'

You slowly approach one of the citizens who stood on the sidelines seemingly not wanting to join in the town's trials to pull the sword out of the ground.

"What's going on here?" The citizen jumped at your question obviously not noticing that you had approached them. They took a deep breath before they answered.

"One of the children, Mead angered a Holy knight by putting a bug in his drink, in return for this the Holy knight stabbed his sword in the ground. Somehow it's blocking our water reserves so we can't make any ale to pay for the increasing taxes."

You nodded and glared at the two guards who sat a few yards away from the struggling town's people, drinking some of the remaining ale. You hated watching all of these people struggle for something that's not entirely their fault. Slowly taking a step forward you had planned to end this by pulling the sword out yourself but someone beat you to it. A short boy with blonde hair quickly stepped up from the crowd, snatching the guard's mugs as he passed before drinking them himself. You couldn't see his face but something about him seemed familiar. You scanned him slowly until your gaze landed on the sword that sat on his back. 'That sword!' You watched from the sidelines as he stepped forward and easily pulled the sword out of the ground before turning so everyone could see him. It was him, The Captain! He's alive!

The two of you made eye contact bringing you to walk towards him but flinched back as another girl came up to him directing his attention elsewhere. With a sigh, you went with the crowd as the town's folk made their way to a tavern that was apparently owned by the captain. You entered a few moments after them having to change your appearance so you wouldn't be noticed by the Captain or seem suspicious for wearing a hood. Slowly you entered and sat at the bar, soon Meliodas stood in front of you.

"What can I get for you, little lady?" A flirty comment, Yep this was defiantly the captain. You held up one finger to indicate one mug, he nods and shuffling off to get your order.

Carry On (Various x reader)Where stories live. Discover now