The Pain you feel, I feel it too. #9

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(A/N: I think this song really expresses what I wanted the feeling for this chapter to be.)


It's been about two days since we arrived back from the necropolis and (Y/N) hasn't moved since. She's stayed laying in the same spot, and she hasn't eaten anything, we were all worried about her. I sighed grabbing the tray of food for her, knowing it would most likely go uneaten again. I walked up the stairs, each one creaking as I did so, I finally arrived at our shared room as King floated out, a grim expression on his face.

"No use?" I asked, he nodded and floated downstairs, I slowly opened the door, a low creak emitting from the hinges. She was still in the same spot on the bed, dark circles forming under her eyes from not sleeping, I sat next to her on the bed, setting the tray down next to me. I waved my hand infront of her face, trying to get her attention, and failing, sighing I grabbed a fork with some food on it and put it in front of her face. "Come on, I made your favorite, aren't you going to eat anything?" I asked, but she just ignored me and continued staring at the wall. My hand grips her jaw, turning it towards me, "You need to eat, it's not healthy." She slowly blinks, nodding her head and reaches for the fork, I shake my head and push her hand away. "I'll do it." I tell her, she looks at me in confusion before slowly opening her mouth. After a few minutes most of the food on the plate was gone, so I put the fork down, "You need to tell us what's wrong, we're all worried about you."

Silence filled the room until she spoke, her voice was hoarse from not talking for a long time, "I s-saw him."

"Saw who?" I asked, handing her a glass of water.

"H-haru... The Holy knights took him from me..." She trailed off, tears forming in her eyes, I realized what she was trying to say, and pulled her into a hug.

"You don't have to say anymore, I understand," I whispered to her, rubbing circles in her back as she sobbed into my chest. We stayed like that for awhile, not that I minded, this was the first time we had actual interacted without something bad happening. Her sobbing finally died down and she laid in my arms calmly, staring up at me as her eyelids begin to droop. I place her back down on the bed, placing a kiss on her forehead, before slowly beginning to walk to the door.

A hand grabbed my arm, causing me to stop in my tracks, a quiet voice came from a half asleep, (Y/N), "Please... Stay..." I looked down at her shocked, her hand pulling back over to the bed. She pulls me down onto the bed and lets go, I smile softly at her now-sleeping form before putting my arm around her, and closed my eyes, falling asleep.

Carry On (Various x reader)Where stories live. Discover now