A Holy Knight? #5 (Rewritten)

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It didn't take long to clear up the misunderstandings, it could have gone quicker in Hawk's opinion that he so vocally informed you all of. Lightly you pat Hawk's head with an awkward smile as proper introductions take place.
Diane leaned forward to stare Elizabeth down at her level, "Are you sure you don't have that kind of relationship with the Captain?" Elizabeth quickly stuttered out a rebuttal that seemed to satisfy Diane who returned back to her original position.
With a quiet snort, Hawk lifted his nose in the air and sniffed around, "I smell a storm coming," turning your head towards the sky the once think fog that surrounded them overhead shifted and swirled forming dark clouds above them far too quickly to be natural. Strong energy emitted from the clouds, it held the same feeling as the sword from the village, and the spear from days earlier. Acting quickly you grab Hawk and jump back, only seconds later a flash of lightning strikes where you had been standing leaving behind a figure in its wake. The figure is tall, clad in armor, and equipped with a sword but the most noticeable feature was a head of bright pink hair. A look of realization crosses your face for only a second before your body's surrounded by rings of lighting preventing you from moving.
"Gilthunder!" You call out but the figure mentioned only scoffs muttering a quiet 'Skinwalker' before turning his attention towards Meliodas. After a short villain-like monologue, the three sins easily broke the lightning rings holding them. Giltunder aimed his first attack at Meliodas but you quickly stepped between them, catching the electrified blade between your palms.
With a glare you stare down Gilthunder who refuses to flinch under your gaze, "Move witch, I have no quarrel with you."
Your glare only darkens towards his words, "Watch your mouth young man, I'm sure I taught you never to speak to your elders that way." The force against his sword increases as lighting begins to dance down your arms in large bolts.
"Stop talking as if you're still my teacher, you lost the right to say such things to me years ago!" The sword within his hands shifts, a sharp pain causes you to flinch before blood begins to roll down your arm in a small river, Elizabeth calls out behind you but neither of you acknowledges her cries.
Slowly your form begins to shake as a soft glow overtakes your features, with a growl you let out, "I left to protect you!" you retaliate.
Gilthunder flinches at your response shifting the sword's position between your palms, with the help of the blood coating one of your hands it slips through your hold and embeds itself into your shoulder. You let out a cry unprepared for the strike, quickly Gilthunder pulls the blade away allowing a gush of blood to begin flowing from your wound. Your eyes darken as you bare your teeth at Gilthunder, the look of surprise not yet leaving his face as you make a leap towards him only to be caught by Diane who pulls you back. After minutes of struggling within Diane grip your body begins to relax and your once tense features finally return to their calm state, with a quiet sigh Diane finally places you down as Elizabeth and Hawk rush towards you. Your vision blurs as you stare at the fight between Gilthunder and Meliodas before your vision changes to a view of the canopy of trees above, you can barely make out the worried faces above you as dark patches slowly invade your vision with each blink until it goes completely black.

Carry On (Various x reader)Where stories live. Discover now