Eleven- The Ballroom

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Nico's POV

After my dad's odd brunch I walked down the halls of the palace alone. I did not think about how hard this was going to be until that brunch, and all of Hades' questions and suspicion. 

The echo of my footsteps reverberated around the stone halls, I had no idea where I was going or why, I just kept walking. I eventually came upon a beautiful ball room, the ceiling high above me. The walls had spiraling designs of gold from the floor to the ceiling, shimmering in the sunlight coming from the large colorful windows at either side of the room.

I walked into the middle of the room and took a seat. I closed my eyes and sighed. The reality of my situation dawning on me. Will was to marry Bianca, not me. I don't even know if Will would want to marry me, over my beautiful sister. I had to believe that he would. It would drive me insane if I thought otherwise.

"Nico?" I heard a quiet voice from the entrance of the ball room. I looked up to see Will walking towards me.

"Hi." I whispered.

"What are you doing here?"


"About what?" Will sat in front of me, only inches away.

"This," I motioned between the two of us, "Whatever this is."

Will took my hand and looked into my eyes, "Well I personally love whatever this is."

"Yeah, how did you find me here anyway?"

"Honestly it was an accident," He smiled sheepishly, "I like coming here, just to get away. No one comes here anymore anyway."


"This ballroom was my mother's favorite room in the palace. She held parties here often, and sometimes you could find her just sitting in the middle of the room when no one was here." A tear fell onto Will's cheek, "Ever since she died we haven't held a party in here. My father refuses to come anywhere near here, and dosen't like any of the servants coming here either.

I felt a tear come to my eye as well, "Oh Will, I'm so sorry," I wrapped my arms around him as he sobbed into my shoulder.

"Thanks you," Will said through tears.

"For what?"

"You're the first person I've been able to tell that to, thanks for listening."

I smiled weakly, "Anything for you Sunshine."

A.N. OMGs I cried so much writing this. Ahh.

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