Twenty- The Palace

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Will's POV-

I had riden through the night and most of the next day until I reached Hades' castle. I stopped outside of the grand building to gaze in admiration at its considerable size and astonishing beauty. Now, to find Nico.

I assumed that Hades wouldn't be too thrilled the I had come to see him, especially because it was Hades who made this happen.

I couldn't help thinking what Nico had gone through. I broke his heart and left him without word for a month, I couldn't even imagine how much he would hate me... But nevertheless I had to see him, my dark angel.

I rode to the side of the castle and roped my stead to some sturdy looking vines on the wall of the palace.

Now how do I get in without the king finding out? I mean it's not like I can scale the wall or anything... I looked up at the vines holding my horse to the wall. It's possible I could climb up those to a window, and maybe from there I can find Nico's room.

It wasn't exactly a solid plan but it was all I had.

I begin my climb, hoping that the plants would hold be up, it would be nice to survive long enough to finish my little quest.

I climbed for what felt like hours, but couldn't have been much more than a few minutes and had almost reached the window of which I had been venturing towards when the vines snapped.

With a desperate leap I barely grasped the edge of the window. I have out a huge sigh of relief and hoisted myself up, and promptly fell straight through the open window.

"Ugh, I could have sworn that window was closed," I hissed, then realized a girl was staring down at me.

"Yeah that would be me, Hazel, I opened it." The curly haired young woman laughed and offered her hand to help me up, I took it and smiled.

"Wait hold up," she squinted, "Are you? Yes you are! Your Prince Wil- uh mm" I put my hand over her mouth and hushed.

"I'm kinda not supposed to be here, do you uh, know where Nico's room is?"

Hazel's expression turned sad, "uh well Hades locked him in the dungeon."

"He what?!"

She cringed, "yeah, not sure why, something about loving a guy or something" her face lit up, "Wait. You? Man that's why Hades is so upset, ya know with the whole your married to Bianca thing. The wedding was yesterday right?"

"Actually no, I ran out on the wedding, for uh, Nico."

Hazel squealed loudly, "Oh my gods that's so romantic! And now you will save him from the dungeons where he is being kept from you."

"That was kinda the plan, yeah. Only problem is I have no idea how."

"I can help you with that."

A.N. Hey guys sorry it's been a little while I have no excuses I'm just a horrible person. Oh but exciting random thing that none of you really care about, the other day I got to meet Chris Colfer (aka Kurt from glee and author of land of stories) and I got a signed copy of his book!!! Honestly highlight of my life. I'd be surprised if anyone read that, okay bye now, another update soon (or not you know me)

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