7. Damn, Would Nemo Love to Hear About This

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    My eyes flutter open as I take in my surroundings. I'm in a strange room. It has dark blue walls, but a hella comfy bed. I feel something warm next to me and I unconsciously snuggle closer to it, feeling something tighten around my small waist.  The strange warm object let's out a deep chuckle.

"Well, good morning to you too sunshine."

      I look up and my eyes widen when I see Ryder next to me. I completely lost all memory of what happened last night. I frantically jump up and out of his arms, falling off the bed and onto the floor.

As soon as I hit the floor my head starts pounding and I whimper slightly crawling back onto the bed and under the covers trying to make the pain go away but fail miserably.

Ryder scoots closer to me and gently lifts the blanket off of me. I hiss when the sunlight streams on my face, bringing another round of pain to my head. Ryder takes my hand and opens it, placing two small pills in it. I give him a questioning look.

"It's for the headache, let me guess, you've never had a hangover before?" Ryder questions.

"No..." I manage to squeak out. My voice is so scratchy, and it feels as if sandpaper was scraped against the back of my throat.

I take the pills and chug the glass of water Ryder had placed on the bedside table next to me. 

I look at my clothes and shudder.

"God, I must wreak..." I rasp.

"Well..." Ryder mutters.

I give him one of my best death glares and he jumps up, putting his hands up in surrender.

"I brought extra clothes since I knew I'd probably stay here over night, you can just wear my clothes. I bet you'd look great in them anyways." Ryder offers smirking.

"Thank you, but you don't have too. I should probably head back home anyways. Brooke must be worried sick." I decline.

"No really, it's fine. And Brooke knows where you are. I let her know that I'd take care of you, and that you'd be perfectly safe with me." Ryder says reasons, with a small grin on his face.

      I whack his arm playfully and take the clothes he pulled out, while walking over to the bathroom. 

       After taking a nice warm shower, I blow dry my hair and throw it up into a cute messy bun.   Sliding on Ryder's clothes, I look in the mirror and stare. Damn, I do look pretty good in his clothes... I smile at my reflection and walk out of the bathroom, making my way downstairs. 

      After reaching the bottom of the steps, and finding my way to the kitchen, I find Ryder hovering over the stove making breakfast. Okay, am I the only one that finds it attractive when a man could cook? No? Okay.

"Mmmm, it smells great.  What are you making?" I ask him, my mouth watering slightly.

"Bacon... Every girl likes that right? Cause if you don't I can make something else, or we could go out a-"

"Ryder it's fine, quit your babbling." I reassure him, going on my tippie-toes, ruffling his hair playfully. 

"Oh, and where is Connor? Isn't this his house?" I ask him, confused.

"Oh... About that... He uh, went home with Brooke after the party last night. He told me to watch over the place and that you could stay. Kinda like a win-win situation." Ryder explains.

      Hearing that Connor went home with Brooke, my eyes widened and I rushed up the stairs, back to the bedroom to grab my phone. As I'm dialing her number, I heard Ryder running up the stairs and barge into the room. 

"What? What happened? Why'd you just run out there like tha-"

I place my finger on his lips, silencing him while I wait for Brooke to answer the phone.  After hearing her voicemail speak through the phone, I groan and shut my phone off with my other finger, and lightly toss it onto the bed.  All of a sudden, I feel a bite on my finger and look to see Ryder biting down on my innocent little pointer finger.

"Ryder, what the hell?!" I exclaim, immediately pulling my finger away.

"Hey, in my defense, you should never silence a guy.  That was just messed up." Ryder tries to defend himself, failing miserably.

"Oh yea pretty boy? Well guess what? You should never leave the bacon all alone... Lucky for you, I like mine burnt." I whisper into his ear evilly and sprint downstairs to the kitchen. With Ryder hot on my heels, I shut the stove off, and grab the pan of bacon, placing it on the counter.  Just as I'm about to take one, a rough hand grabs my arm and spins me around, pinning me up against the refrigerator.

"Where do you think you're going, baby doll?" Ryder whispers, with an evil glint in his deep blue eyes.

      His head was only a few inches away from mine, and looking up at his handsome face, I couldn't manage to get any words out of my mouth.  Looking down in embarrassment, I bite my lip and wait for him to do something.  Anything.

      I feel his finger brush down my jaw gently, and place itself under my chin, tilting my head up to look at him.

"Don't do that Ave..." He breathes out huskily.

"Do what?" I ask, my voice shaking slightly.

"Bite your lip..." He answers, looking away running his hands through his hair.

"Oh, sorry." I apologize, my voice sounding detached from my body. I blushed a deep crimson. 

Ryder just nods and starts walks away quickly, heading upstairs.  I heard the shower water running, and just chuckle, shaking my head in amusement.  After eating about half the bacon in only 5 minutes, I went upstairs to the room and put all my stuff in a Shop Rite bag, and make my way back downstairs. Since Ryder is still in the shower, I decided to leave a note so he wouldn't think I bailed on him or anything like that.

Dear Ryder,

Since you seem a little pre-occupied, I figured I would leave you alone to deal with your... Issue... I packed all my stuff up, and don't worry about your clothes, I'll just give them to you during school on Monday or something like that. Have a nice weekend!!
Yours Truly,

After climbing into to Dory, I drove home thinking about what had happened. To say I was shocked, was an understatement. But damn, would Nemo love to hear about this. 


Hey guys! So that chapter was... Just... Yea. No words. I'm such an awkward writer so I'm so sorry for that XD. Things between Ryder and Avery are a little crazy... But hope you enjoyed that chapter! Until next time my lil' fishies!

Xoxo - Batman

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