10. Please, baby doll...

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My Sunday was spent with my mom.  It has been the first day my mom has had off of work in a while.  We spent the whole day catching up on things, and watching all different kinds of movies.  Comedies, horror, romance... Name one, and we probably watched it.  We just laughed and talked, it was really nice.  I was starting to find myself missing the company of my mom.

      As soon as I knew it, it was Monday.  As I rolled out of my bed, I decided I wanted to put more into my appearance today... Totally not trying to impress Ryder...  At all.  I wore a nice high waisted white skirt, with designs on it, with a tight black crop top.  But don't worry, it only showed a little bit of skin, besides, I put on a red sweater with it.  I straightened my hair, putting a pretty waterfall braid into it, and also added a silver necklace to my outfit.  Skipping breakfast, I slipped on my tan combat boots, grabbed my bag, and headed out to my car.

      Pulling up to the school, I take a look in the mirror and make sure I look good, not wanting to embarrass myself.  Walking into the school and to my locker, I see Brooke and walk towards her. She was wearing a short black leather skirt and a white flowered crop top, with a tan sweater.  The ends of her hair were curled and she (as always) looked like a model compared to me.  Since we both came to school early, we just sat and talked for a while. 

      Brooke excused herself to use the restroom.  I was looking around the hallway and saw Ryder.  He was laughing and talking to Natalia.  Of course...  Wanting to be friendly, I walked over to them.

"Hey Ryder! How was the rest of your weekend?" I ask him, being polite.

"It was uh, good." Ryder mumbles, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"That's good. How was your weekend, Natalia?" I ask her, not wanting to be rude and leave her out, even though I was more than happy doing that.

"It was good.  You actually kind of walked in on a talk me and Ryder were having... So if you don't mind... " Natalia rudely states, obviously shoving me away.

"Oh, okay.  It's fine... Class is about to start anyways. I'll see you in class Ryder."

      Ryder just gives a weak nod, not even acknowledging my presence. Walking away, I look down, feeling rejected.  I see Brooke across the hall.  She gives me a confused look and I gave her the eyes that meant, "I'll tell you later." She nodded, understanding.

      After grabbing my books from my locker, I walk into class and take seat where I normally sit.  However, today was different.  Want to know why? Instead of sitting next to me, Ryder sat all the way across the room, not even glancing in my direction.  It feels like he ripped my heart out and decided to stomp on it, multiple times.

      The rest of the class, I could hardly pay attention.  All I could focus on was Ryder.  What did I do wrong? Was it something I said?  

      Once the bell rang, I hauled ass out of class.  My next class was free period, and instead of going to the library to do my homework, I decided to sit outside in the back of the school and clear my head.

      As I turn the corner of the school,  I feel someone spin me around and pin me up against the school wall.  I tried to scream, but the person put their hand over my mouth, so my screams were muffled.  I knew that no one would be able to hear me, but I tried anyways.

"Look who we have here boys..." A deep voice states.

      Finally focus on the attacker,  I notice that it is one of the quarterbacks. His name is Dylan, everyone is always saying how scary he is... I never fully understood them until now.

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