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I'm YorkshirePerrie. All credits go to Happinessintime for she is the person who wrote this book. I'll try to update weekly so it can be open to fully read for everyone soon.


Louis POV

The mind is a dark and uncertain place, it swims with evil and greedy thoughts. They wrap themselves around you and swallow you whole, never letting up and never letting go. Taking control over your entire body rendering you speechless, motionless and most importantly powerless.

But that's what I wanted, isn't it? To be rid of the power of myself, to throw away my emotions and finally be unguarded. Keeping up a guard and protecting yourself is much to hard of a job. Your head feels like its straining to keep up the invisible wall so no one can get in. You try so hard to keep it strong but sometimes you slip. Sometimes you let it waiver and that's when life is the most dangerous. Because when it waivers, when it has those little holes where things can seep through, that's when people can get in. When thoughts, ideas, and emotions crawl up your skin like a thousand spiders. It's relentless and won't stop until it has what it wants. You.

It has me. Every last piece of my body is covered in darkness, floating through the black wind all around me and I can't see a thing. My senses seem to be all cut off, leaving me laying there as if I'm not really there. Maybe I'm not here; maybe I finally did it. Maybe I had finally come to terms with the fact that this is truly what I wanted. I wanted to die, to end, to stop.

But even in the haziness, through all the darkness and thick black clouds that surround me everywhere I can still see a light. It shines to brightly to ignore or just look away. It captures my full attention and soon that's all I can focus on.

It's through that light I begin to hear voices, or one particular voice. It breaks through the wisps of black around me and fights for me to listen. It screams and yells my name but all I can truly focus on is the bright light surrounding it. My eyes feel like they're open and my ears feel attentive but I can't focus on it.

"LOUIS!" The voice screams over and over with sounds of cries. Why are they crying? Have I done something wrong?

The beautiful light starts to darken around its edges and I find myself trying to jump up and grasp it. I don't want to let the voice go yet. I want to hear it more, have it explain why its hear, why I'm here.

"No!" My mind screams since I'm still to powerless to scream out loud.

The edges start to become thicker and thicker, caving in and shutting like a door blocking out the light. I fight with all of my might to reach it and keep a hold of it but it won't stay. The emptiness I feel in my stomach tightens as I see it leaving me. I want to run towards it but I can't, I want to scream but I have no words. And as the light disappears with one final glint my mind can only think one thing:

Game Over


Harry POV

It had been two days since Jay had given me the news that Louis was going to be okay. Two days since I felt my world stop and start again all in one motion, and also two days since I became angrier than I have ever been. I was caught off guard by my sudden mood change but I understood it even if no one else did.

I know I should be crying with happiness just like everyone else around me is, but instead I find myself breaking things and cursing my family out. The moment Jay told me he was okay I instantly felt at peace knowing that he would live and I would get to see him again, but then I completely lost it. My vision turned red and hazy and I ran out of the hospital faster than anyone could call my name.

27 Minutes -Larry Stylinson-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang