At last.

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Just played Pokemon go till 2AM oops... My brother and I are even watching Pokemon indigo league on netflix lol. Loving life at the moment..

Life is good for me, what about you?


Louis POV

My lips tangled with his in a searing kiss. Each movement sent chills down my spine and places a warming sensation along my heart. It wasn't a mechanical kiss, one that you just went with the motions. It was a kiss a assurance, my lips automatically remembering how to mold against his.

Fitting perfectly together like the moment we stand in.

Fists full of hair are clutched lightly in my hands as I pull him closer to me. I can physically feel

my heart picking up the broken and shattered pieces that once lay strew across the floor, placing each piece back into its place. Like magic, once the pieces are placed back together they meld into each other, like flame hitting the cracks and creases and searing them back into place. Some things I thought could never be mended but I realize now that Harry is the one who held the key all along. He held the knowledge of putting me back together and making me whole once more. I only had to accept it, and I'm glad I did.

The world around us almost vanished as we stayed in our serene moment. I couldn't pay attention to some of the cries of out rage, or disgust. I couldn't focus on the calls of the other boys telling us we should get inside. It was only Harry and I in that moment and nothing else would ruin it.

His lips slowly disappear from my own and I force myself to open my eyes. His beautiful ones stare back at me, happiness dancing around inside, lighting them up. My hands slowly let loose of his hair, resting them on the top of his chest as I smile happily up at him.

"Come with me?" He asks softly a smile playing at his lips. Any form of a sentence has vanished, my brain to mouth senses unable to work together, leaving me to only nod in response.

He takes my hand and begins pulling me away from the chaos erupting around us. It's only then that I fully open my eyes around me to see what's happening. People staring at us, some happy and others angry. Arguments happening all around us as I whip my head around looking to the place I'd just been led from. I tug gently on Harry's hand halting his movements and he looks at me curiously. I give him a quick smile and kiss his cheek gently.

"Give me just a minute?" I ask, untangling my hand from his, turning to walk back to where we just stood. A sad smile sits on my lips as I step up to a miserable looking Eleanor. She looks up warily at my approach, gazing behind me at Harry before landing her eyes back upon me.

"Louis?" She asks softly in her gentle, sweet voice.

Smiling softly and ignoring the pending questions in her eyes I step forward wrapping my arms around her. She freezes as soon as my arms wrap around her before realizing into my touch, wrapping hers around me in a gentle squeeze.

"Louis?" She questions me again, whispering into my ear.

"Thank you.." I say softly into hers. She pulls back looking at me with a dumbstruck look, eyes filled with confusion. Even though she had went through so much trouble and even caused me pain, I can still see in her eyes the adoration she has for me. I'd always know it was there but in my mind I forced myself to believe that it was required of her, a job, but now I can see that's not the case.

"Excuse me?" She asks, tilting her head to the side in question.

"Thank you.. For letting me go.. Not making me do this-" I gesture to the scene around us as she drops her gaze to the ground below us.

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