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I'm YorkshirePerrie. All credits go to Happinessintime for she is the person who wrote this book. I'll try to update weekly so it can be open to fully read for everyone soon.

Spoiler cuz important question; I asked this before but imma ask again.. What do I need to do to not have this chapter taken down cuz basically there's a lot of use of the word fuck and there's smut so...


Harry POV

With a renewed mind and more hope than I had felt in a long time the week went by faster than ever. People were flying in from all over the world to attend the wedding and weekend festivities. Everyone was bustling about trying to get everything organized and ready for the big day but I just sat by waiting in my flat.

I wasn't asked once through out the week to help do anything and all though I preferred that, it was still a bit frustrating. I knew they wouldn't call but I guess some part of me hoped they would.

This entire week had been spent sitting alone in my flat trying to decide just how exactly I was going to make my new found change at heart a plan of action. I had no leads and no fucking clue what to do now. Making the choice to actually get him back was one thing, but now actually doing it? Scares me shîtless.

I knew by the media and everyone who wasn't a part of our inner circle of close friends, family and colleagues, I was expected to be at the wedding. I wasn't going to be and that's only if I can find some way to talk Louis out of it beforehand. The only problem is I have no idea how I'm actually going to do that.


The week had come and gone and I was now currently looking at Friday, one day before the wedding. The ceremony would take place in exactly twenty four hours from now and while the bride's side of the wedding party was at home on their quiet evening relaxing before tomorrow, they boys were out to party. I had received a text from Zayn himself asking me to come and I knew I wanted to but I couldn't make my ass remove itself from this couch.

It was Louis' bachelor party and I was having a massive debate on what it would look like if I went and if I didn't. If I went it was almost like I was okay with him getting married and that I accepted it, but if I didn't go and anyone were to see that it would be huge backlash from the media. But the thing is I can't help but feel like I need to go, a feeling that if I do go it could be the ultimate game changer.

So with that little extra push I got up and flew upstairs to my room to change and get ready. It seems tonight I would be clubbing with my best friends and my ex for his damn wedding that's never going to happen. At least not if I can help it.


The club was dark and highlighted by bright neon lights and strobes. A sea of people were everywhere dancing against each other and drinking. Music blared from the speakers and the bass made the floor rumble with the beat. The air was thick through out the room anywhere you walk but the atmosphere is what made you feel like you could throw all else aside.

As soon as I stepped foot into the place I begin to sweat from nerves. I hadn't spoken to Louis outside of working terms in over six months and tonight I would be doing it freely. The thought of him rejecting me completely and asking me to leave was in the very forefront of my mind and quite honestly scares me to death, but I knew I needed to risk the chance. If I don't take the risks I'll never know how everything ends up. Even if he does marry her and I'm forever stuck as the best friend I know that I at least tried to fight for us.

"Harry?" I hear someone yell out over the music behind me. I turn and see a half drunk and grinning Niall. He smiles so big I almost think his cheeks will crack as he jumps at me with a giant hug.

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