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I'm YorkshirePerrie. All credits go to Happinessintime for she is the person who wrote this book. I'll try to update weekly so it can be open to fully read for everyone soon.


Harry POV

The air in the room seems to have disappeared as the walls close in around me. There are no words spoken because none are needed. Everything straight in front of us is enough to knock us all silent for a decade.

The nerves seem to have slowly left my body because now all I feel is cold. A bitter, skin biting coldness that's crept its way up my spine, down my arms reaching the very tips of my fingers. It's almost as if I suddenly feel like anything I touch will turn to ice. There's no warmth or sunlight, no heat to block out anything, it's just cold.

The room seems as if It's starting to spin around me loosing its grip around the edges of reality, much like my mind. My insides are screaming at me to charge forward and take what I've already claimed as mine but my brain says other wise. My feet are strictly planted to the ground as I stare straight ahead at the two sets of hands I thought I would never see wrapped around each other again.

Their hands are all I can stare at and I can't make my eyes leave them. I don't meet their eyes nor do I even risk a glance up to see their faces because I know if I do it will all be over. I don't want to see them smiling or happy because what I've already seen is enough to ruin me, but this time I won't let it.

I've already been destroyed once in my life and I'm not about to let it happen again. I let my guard down the first time and was left broken, laying on the floor like I was nothing but the next piece of rubbish to be thrown away. I was taken down bit by bit until there was nothing of me left, even if it was a forced action it still took me down completely. I didn't fight then because I felt I had already lost the battle. I hadn't known what was going on behind closed doors then but now I do. Now, everything was out in the open, I knew, we all knew. There was no way this was only a coincidence.

This was what he wanted, what he's chosen. I can't let it break me, I won't.

"Um.. Louis?" One of the boys whispers somewhere beside me. My eyes are still trained ahead on the two pairs of hands, the bigger one squeezing the smaller feminine one ever so lightly. My own hands clench into fists, my nails digging deep into the skin of my palms. My body welcomes the sensation though as it takes my mind off of everything I really wish I could make myself do right now.

"Hi boys.." Louis replies back cheerfully and I wince instantly. He sounds so happy, so free and joyful, while inside I'm screaming at myself once more.

"This is uh... Well.. Eleanor?" I hear the Irish accent ring through out the room. Niall's voice waivers a bit when he says her name. Just hearing the simple name leave his lips makes me want to cringe or hit something. Even after all this time I still hate her, possibly even more now.

"Hi guys." She says and I can just hear the plastic smile in her voice.

"What no hugs, or 'Welcome Home' for me?" Louis says in wonderment and this seems to snap the other guys out of whatever daze they were in. They all cheer and leap forward towards Louis and grip him in a tight group hug.

Just like old times I think to myself, only I'm not joining them.

It's the first time I can make myself look up and over to the small group hug with the boys. All of them smiling and congratulating Louis on his recovery, ending it with big hugs and even some sloppy kisses to his cheeks. His eyes shine bright with happiness as he looks to each of them with a thank you and grins up at their taller figures. Everything in this moment would be so perfectly happy, so beautiful and memorable if it wasn't for the tall brunette girl standing behind Louis with a smirk on her face. It would all seem so very normal if that smirk wasn't directed to me.

The insides of my palms begin to ache as my nails dig deeper and deeper. The glare sets in on my face as I stare at her seeing the wheels turn in her head. She doesn't look away from and doesn't back down. Everyone around us is so oblivious to the war happening right here in the middle of Louis' living room but its screaming at each of them. I clench my jaw tightly as she lifts her little hand and gives a small wave to me.

"Bitch." I mutter to no one else but myself.

"Harry?" The voice snaps me out of my glare towards Eleanor and I look up to the person who spoke it. My name fell off his lips in beautiful waves but each of them only sent a shock wave of pain instead of a relaxing sensation.

"Louis." I bite back and nod at him curtly. He looks momentarily stunned at my short attitude with him but what did he expect? That I would be happy for him with bringing her back here?

"It's uh.. Nice to see you." He says softly, looking down to his feet.

"I'm sure it is." I respond coldly, my eyes shifting to look at the other boys. Their eyes pleading with me to not make a scene.

Every bone in body is begging to move forward and grab Louis, shaking some sense into him but I know I cant. I look at him and can visibly see all the progress he's made. It's amazing how I went so long not seeing just how truly unhappy and unhealthy he was for the longest time, because now it's plain as day. His skin looks fuller with more color and the dark circles under his eyes are gone. And those eyes, they're no longer that dull gray. They're back to their beautiful deep ocean blue that takes your breath away every time.

When you catch yourself looking into those eyes everything else seems to dissipate. The anger you had felt seems to fall away and all you find yourself doing is looking for the needs of him. What is it that he needs, what's best for him. It no longer becomes about you but now about the one you care for most.

So even though I'd like nothing more than to take down my enemy and take back what's mine I know that it will only ruin every bit of progress that Louis has ever made.

It's in this moment that I truly understand what unconditional love is. It's sacrificing every need of yourself for the one you love. It's putting every want or hurt aside and only focusing on your other half. It's even letting go when you don't want to and all you want to do is tie something against you both so you can't never be apart.

In a perfect would I would get my happy ending, but life for me has never been perfect. I now understand what it is to truly and unconditionally love Louis, because as I look at him smile and laugh along with the other boys and her I find myself seeing that for once he's truly happy. It may not be with me but all of his other problems have slipped away.

I lost him once and now I've lost him twice. It's now that I know I've truly been defeated.

I do not own anything in this fanfiction.

27 Minutes -Larry Stylinson-Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum