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I'm YorkshirePerrie. All credits go to Happinessintime for she is the person who wrote this book. I'll try to update weekly so it can be open to fully read for everyone soon.


Harry POV

"Please tell me this is some kind of joke.." I stutter out to Zayn. If I ever felt before like I couldn't breathe it was nothing compared to the feeling I had right now. It was suddenly as if every breath that had made its way into my body was restricted and forced back out. No air was making its way back in and my lungs were collapsing with the struggle to breathe.

"Trust me mate.. I wish I could say it was.." He sighs, running a hand through his dark hair once more. "This whole thing has been a nightmare to be honest... I still don't believe its happening." He says quietly and the room falls dead silent.

I stare at one of my best friends in a moment of shock. All this time I thought he was happy for them and excited to be a part of it all but it seems I was blinded by my own problems. Once again I fooled myself into thinking everyone around me was okay when now that I open my eyes I can clearly see that maybe they aren't. My best friend sitting next to me suddenly appears tired to me, worn out and exhausted. The dark circles under his eyes give way to the fact he hasn't been sleeping; the frown lines set deep in his face show signs of not having smiled in a long time. After all this time and everything I had learned when Louis had gone through all this and I missed it all, I've done it again.

"I'm sorry Zayn..." I say suddenly to him causing his head to lift and eye me with curiosity.

"For what?" He asks.

"For not being here for you.." I whisper and look down at the invitation still sitting in my hands. "All this time I've been so focused on being angry and bitter at the world around me I had forgotten that I had three other best friends I could rely on and that maybe they needed me too.."

"You know you could have four other best friends right?" He asks back referring to Louis. I can only shake my head at his ridiculous notion.

"I-I can't, Zayn... It's to much.."

"I know.. I know.." He says with a gentle pat to my knee. "But you're right.. We do need you Harry, and I know you can't see it but this is all driving us crazy.." I furrow my eyebrows together in confusion as I stare at him.

"What do you mean?" I question him.

"Shit Harry they're driving us insane! No one wants this wedding to happen except those two.. Everyone is just going through the motions and doing their jobs because we want to make Louis happy but I just..." He rushes through his speech before stopping abruptly and staring down at my dark cheery wood floors.

"You just what?" I say slowly to him.

"I just don't think he'll ever really be happy without you Harry..." He says to me in all seriousness and I find myself snorting at his statement.

"He's been fine for the past six months Zayn.. He's made it clear he doesn't need me anymor-"

"But that's just it Harry!" He cuts me off so suddenly I flinch back at his raised tone. "Once again you don't see what is going on around you! When are you going to open your fucking eyes?!" He yells.

"Hey, I've been dealing with some shit if you haven't noticed!" I counter back.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah Harry we all fucking know your shit sob story!" He yells with a tone full of anger. "Stop being so focused on how you're feeling and really take a look around you... If you're just now realizing that Liam, Niall and I need you think about Louis.."

"He doesn't need me! He has her!" I scream standing up and throwing the invitation down on his lap. "If he needed me I wouldn't be looking at this shit right now! Or it would be the other fucking way around and my name would be on it instead of hers!" I yell feeling tears being to prick at my eyes and a sudden lump form in my throat.

"Harry.. Your name should be the one on this and hell one day when it is please make it a lot less girly looking..-" I can't help but crack a smile as he says those words and stands up with determination in his eyes. "Harry they were never in love and you can see it written all over Louis' face.. The way he acts with her? It's just like before.. Like its all written out on paper as a script.. It's not natural and whether you want to see it or not his eyes light up the second you walk into a room.. He gravitates towards you and you can see him fighting it so hard because you've built a wall around yourself and he knows you won't let him back in.. But you need to and you need to do it quick.."

"Zayn I-"

"No Harry.. You have to put an end to all of this and take back what's yours.." He says sternly.

"But it's-" I stop and sigh. "He's not mine anymore.. He chose her.." I whisper the last part brokenly and stare down at my feet. He sighs softly and steps forward wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug.

"His mind may have chose her, but his heart will always choose you."

The strings of my own heart tug at his words and I feel the flicker of hope that died inside a long time ago light up again. My mind and heart are at a battle now though, should I really fight for him or should I do what I told myself and let him go.

"Harry you have to fight for him... You both gave up the first time, please don't make that mistake again." He whispers into my ear before tightly hugging me once more. He pulls away and turns around to leave. As he goes he drops the invitation in his hands onto my coffee table and makes his exit out of my house.

Surrounded in the quiet once more I turn myself and sit back down on the couch. My shaky fingers reach forward and pick up the dreaded invitation again and stare at it. As I look all over it again I feel determination and need rise up inside of me. None of this was right, he wasn't supposed to be with her nor was he ever supposed to marry her. That was my place and no one else's. She didn't deserve to have her name printed out beside his and she will never deserve the spot next to him. She'll never deserve the place in his heart that he reserves for those who mean the most to him.

She will never deserve it but I do, and I'm going to get it back.

I'm going to get my Louis back for good.

I do not own anything in this fanfiction.

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