Freedom and sex.

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I hope this doesn't get taken down cuz I really don't wanna edit out the swearing and such... Pokemon go has taken over all the time I have, I don't even go outside without w power bank anymore


"Harry for the last fucking time you wait until it starts to bubble before flipping it over!" I huff out dramatically as I watch Harry attempt to flip yet another pancake. He proceeds to ignore my direction again and flips the damn thing to early, tearing the entire thing apart.

"Dammit!" He mutters, jutting his lip out in to a cute pout that if I wasn't starved I would have taken it in between my teeth.

"At this rate we'll never eat!" I groan out letting my head fall onto the sleek counter top.

After arriving yesterday to the cabin we had barely slept and had managed to keep ourselves completely naked the entire time. It was only now, four in the afternoon, that I had put a stop to the constant touching and kisses, saying it was time to eat. How the hell the boy kept all that energy I will never know but my stamina was draining quickly, and it would continue unless he learned how to make a fucking pancake.

"How the hell have you managed to keep yourself fed over the past two years!" I chuckle, lifting myself off the barstool and strutting over to where he stands glaring at the pan. I take the spatula from his hand and gently nudge him aside so I can take over his job.

"Take out?" He said nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "I just wanted to make you something to eat..." He frowns lightly.

A smile graces my lips as I turn my head to place a light kiss to the corner of his mouth. His eyes look into mine with a fraction of embarrassment and lust, always lust.

"I know but maybe we should eat now and teach you how to cook later?" I chuckle at his blush that rises prominently to his cheeks. He nods sheepishly and leans forward to place his hands on top of my bony hips and watch me effortlessly make us each a stack of pancakes.

"How'd you learn to cook anyways?" His chin rests atop my shoulder while he watches my movements.

"When you live in a house full of girls, you learn quickly... Not many manly things to do with all the females under one roof.." Shrugging I still smile at the fond memories of late nights reading to my sisters, or sneaking snacks in to them way past bed time. Their giggles flood through my mind and I realize just how much time I'd lost with them also. Having ignored my family mostly because I couldn't bare them to find out what was truly happening with me.

"Well apparently I missed the cooking class with my mum.." He huffs out sadly.

"Yeah she left me with a lot of work to do!" I grin up him holding back a chuckle as he glares at me but with amusement clear in his features.

"Are you upset by that Lou?"

"Nope.. I like a challenge, just never thought I would have to teach my boyfr-" my voice falters and cuts off, eyes instantly widening at the words I almost let slip past my lips. My gaze drops down to the sizzling pan in front of me but I can still feel his eyes on me heavily.

I quickly brush past him to grab the plates, placing our simple pancakes on them. I try to distract myself as Harry makes his way to stand right behind me, his body radiating heat so hot I can feel it even though he isn't touching me yet.

"Louis?" He breathes out in question. I ignore him, making his plate just the way I remember he likes it.

"Four pancakes enough?" I whisper through gritted teeth as I hand him his plate hastily. Out of the corner of my eye I see him take it and set it onto the counter top before fully turning back to me. His hands grip my waist, spinning me around to face him but my gaze stays locked on my feet.

27 Minutes -Larry Stylinson-Where stories live. Discover now