Chapter 1

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I silently cursed the thing that always woke me from my sleep. I mean c'mon, can't a girl get a few minutes of extra sleep without her alarm clock blaring Stitches?

I yawned and climbed out of bed, walking over to my full-length mirror. The sight in front of me made me want to scream in pure horror. My hair looked like I got in a fight with a chicken and the chicken won and I had light purple bags under my eyes.

Making my way into the bathroom, I took a shower and did all the other girly things I normally do in the morning. Climbing out of the shower, I wrapped a fuzzy towel around my waist and went to my closet to pick my outfit.

I tapped my chin, looking around my closet for the perfect outfit, finally settling on a long sleeved cream colored shirt and black mini skirt. I curled my hair, added some lipgloss, and slid on my cream wedge heels.

I made my way downstairs, not paying attention because I was fumbling with my fingers. Head down, I didn't realize that my parents were standing there until I accidently bumped into them.

"Watch where your going you filthy mutt" my mom muttered. My dad just gave me a cold glare and slapped me. My head twisted to the left as they both cackled like the witches they were. "God you make me so damn sick" my father boomed in his alpha voice, the voice he only used for me.

Did I seriously forget to mention I'm a werewolf? Must have slipped my mind. Well I am and so are my family. We all belong to the red moon pack, not that it's a huge deal. Nobody here likes me and my parents despise me because they still believe I was the cause of my sister's death.

I felt salty tears stain my cheeks as I held my face in my hand, wishing for a better life. Today was my 17th birthday, so maybe I would meet my mate at school. What if he rejects us? What if we don't find him? My wolf, Raven, said in her panicked voice.

Hopefully we will, Rave, I just wanna get out of this hellhole. I mind linked her, closing the connection afterwards. I made my way out the door with what little dignity I had left, head full of thoughts and body full of pain.


When I arrived at school, I didn't get a single happy birthday from anybody. Instead I got looks of pure hatred and disgust. Trash came flying my way as I walked into the school with my bag slung over my shoulder.

I heaved a sigh and made my way to my first class which happened to be my favorite subject...math yay...note the sarcasm. I gulped and pushed open the door, earning me a few glares and groans. I sat at the back, next to the window, waiting for the day to end even though it had just started.


After school, I made my way home. Today was just like any other day, trash getting thrown at me and people saying nasty things behind my back and to my face. Once I arrived home, I noticed the house was quiet. No parents to annoy me or anything.

I climbed the stairs one by one, thinking about how much everyone hated me. The thought brought tears to my eyes that I furiously wiped away. I would not cry over these bitches ever again.

I flung open my door and went straight to my closet and grabbed a suitcase. I stuffed clothes, shoes, underwear, bras, and everything else I would need to run away. Once my electronics were packed I decided to write a note to my parents.

Dear Beth and Eric,

I have decided to run away seeing that you guys don't want me around anyway. I hope you bastards live the rest of your pathetic lives in misery. I don't even know why I shed so many fucking tears over your dumbasses over the years. I don't even consider you parents any longer. Rot in hell and don't bother looking for me, not that you would anyway

Love, Blake

After I finished my little rant, I sat the note on my now bare dresser, grabbed my suitcase, and left, not giving the house a second glance as I walked through the woods, wondering If I had made the right decision.

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