Chapter 10

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1 week later....

Blake's POV

Today was the big day! I was about to finally become Mrs. Blake Silvetti. My legs shook with anticipation as Kayla pinned the last strand of my hair with a white clip. "Done and Done!" she cheered, clapping her hands at her work.

I was currently in a huge tent a few feet from the altar, getting all pampered up. Kayla, my maid of honor, was racing around, grabbing my dress, veil, and tiara. I twirled my engagement ring around my finger, waiting patiently.

"Here we go!" Kayla had my dress in one hand with my tiara and veil in the other. I stood and undid my robe, letting it fall to the ground. I stepped into my dress, which was a silky satin ball gown with a lace top and lace sleeves. I added the diamond belt around my waist and spun around, causing the dress to poof out even more.

Kayla was dressed in a strapless pale pink dress that always gets swept up in the breeze, making her more and more annoyed.

Kayla was dressed in a strapless pale pink dress that always gets swept up in the breeze, making her more and more annoyed

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Kayla added my veil to my tiara, placing them both on top of my head. She already had my reception dress hanging on the rack, so it was show time. She handed me my bouquet, which consisted of water lillies and honey suckle, and pushed me to the front of the tent.

She headed out before me, giving me a thumbs up before grabbing ahold of Damon's brother, Jason. When my que hit, I mustered up all the courage I could and stepped out of the tent, looking up at the sky and saying a silent prayer as I continued down the winding path.

When the guests and Damon came into view, I started blushing madly. Everyone was standing at their seats and Damom, looking handsome as ever, was standing at the altar in a crisp white tux, smiling like an idiot.

I rolled my eyes and continued down the path, glancing at a few friends. When Damon's parents saw me, they smiled proudly, but when mine saw me, they just scowled and shook their heads.

I promised myself I would not let them ruin my moment, so I just ignored them. When I stopped in front of Damon, he grabbed my hands and looked deep into my eyes, almost as if he was looking at my soul. I smiled sweetly as the pack house priest said all the normal stuff, but when he got to the vows, I turned away shyly.

"Blake, my little one, you are the light of my life. Really, If you weren't here, I'd be a huge fuck up by now. Everyone laughed and his beta, Ashton, called out "You already are." I smiled as he continued, "you make everyday just a little bit more special and for that, I'm eternally grateful."

By then, I had tears staining my cheeks, making me cry even more. "Damon, these past few months have been the best months of my life. You take care of me, love me, and don't care about all my flaws. God, what did I do to ever deserve you? You make my life brighter, my day more interesting, and I thank god for you every day. Even though your possessive and will beat the living shit out of somebody, that just let's me know you care."

I returned my eyes to his and saw that they were slowly starting to glisten. Damon had never cried, but there's a first time for everything. "If anyone has a reason why these two lovebirds should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace" the priest boomed, looking out among the guests.

Just as he was about to move on, someone cleared there throat and raised their hand. Damon growled and snapped his head to the person, who, low and behold, was my sister. "This isn't right! Can't all of you guys see that me and Damon are meant for each other?" she whined, stomping her feet like a three year old

Everyone was so quiet, you could hear a pen drop. I had began to step down so I could beat this bitches ass for interrupting MY wedding, but Damon grabbed my arm and rubbed circles on my lower back, calming me down.

"Have this woman escorted out, I don't want to see her around my pack anymore" Damon ordered the pack guards, who grabbed my sister by the arms and drug her out while she kicked and screamed.

" that that's over, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kis-" the priest didn't even get to finish before Damon pressed his velvety lips onto mine. He pulled me closer, if that was possible, and slid his hands from my waist down to my hips.

People cleared their throats, but Damon didn't seem to notice or care as he kept kissing me with the same intensity and love as before. I was the one to pull away, causing him to whine.

The pack cheered and clapped, congratulating us as we ran back down the path to our seperate tents. "Mrs. Blake Silvetti....I like the sound of that" Damon whispered in my ear, causing a shudder to ripple through me.

He disappeared into the tent, not looking back once. Ugh he's such an insensitive prick! I stomped into my tent and sat down in my chair, waiting on Kayla to return. When she finally did, she unclipped and took off my veil, leaving the tiara, and helped me out of the confining dress.

No sooner had I stepped out of that dress, I stepped into my reception dress, which was a short lacy dress that poofed put just below my waist. I kept my white stilettos on, making my way down to the meadow. When the meadow came into my line of vision, I saw all the pack members gathered near the food or talking amongst themselves.

Arms wrapped around my waist, sending sparks through my whole body. Damon leaned down and gave me a kiss, and let me tell you, it felt like Fourth of July fireworks!

"Aww that's so sweet little one" Damon cooed happily, making me blush realizing I had said that out loud. He sat his chin on the top of my head, using me as a headrest of some sort.

"Ummm do I look like a headrest to you? Get your stubble off my damn head" I said sassily pushing him off in the process. He looked like he was trying so hard not to laugh and only mumbled "I got a feisty one great"

"Let's go cut the cake babe" a crowd had gathered around the 8 tier wedding cake that me and Damon had specifically ordered from the bakery. He pulled me alongside him nd stopped at the front of the towering cake.

He and I both grabbed hold of the knife and cut the first piece of cake. I heard the claps and cheers of the whole pack house as we fed each other, but that was short lived seeing as though he shoved the cake in my face, ruining my make-up and dress.

He sniggered and began to take two steps back for every step I took forward. "This took me 4 hours to do! 4 fucking hours! And you just ruin it with cake? OH HELL NO!" I ranted as I took off my stilettos.

He looked genuinely scared as I chased him down the trail towards the lake yelling "Bitch Pray." He was running so fast that he didn't even see the lake right in front of him but by the time he did, it was too late.

He fell face first into the lake, panting as he came back up for air. I couldn't contain my laughter, bursting out laughing him all wet and angry.

For the rest of the night, we had fun with all our family and friends, mine being an exception. People seemed to like my dress and cake, complimenting me whenever they could. Somebody decided to set off the fireworks and what a sight they were. They spelled out mine and damons name with a big red heart around it.

After the show, I began to feel weird, like a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was going to go terribly wrong. Soon enough, we all heard clapping, all the noise dying down so we could see who it was.

"Well well well if it isn't my beautiful Blake. I've come for you sweetie it's time to go home." the sickly sweet voice was all too familiar.

It was Shawn, the ex boyfriend Mia had stolen from me.

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