Chapter 7

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I stood in our bathroom staring at my engagement ring. I squealed quietly and shut off the light, walking out the door and climbing into bed. I felt two strong arms wrap around me and pull me closer. Smiling, I leaned into Damon's chest, feeling his hot breath on my neck.

"I love you Damon, always have and always will" I murmured. I could feel his smile without even looking his way. "I love you more little one." I felt my heart swell and tears slipped out of my closed eyes.

Damon felt my tears on his arms and turned my head so now I was looking at him. "What's wrong little one?" he asked genuinely concerned. "I've never felt loved before Damon. I don't know what it feels like" He looked at me in awe, pulling me closer.

"I'm here to love and protect you Blake" He whispered in my ear along with other sweet nothings. I felt loved. I felt protected. But most importantly, I felt wanted. I snuggled into his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.

I can't wait to marry Damon. Spend the rest of my life with him, maybe even have pups one day. I hope everything stays this way, but I have a bad feeling something is about to happen.


I breathed in Damon's woodsy scent, smiling at the odd but comforting smell. "It's not polite to stare, little one" Damon said, scaring me back into reality. "I-I um-" I started but he shut me up with a passionate kiss.

He tried to deepen the kiss by licking my bottom lip, asking for permission. I happily declined and hopped out of bed. I heard a growl rumble from his chest, so I picked up the pace.

After I showered and did my hair and make-up, I grabbed my blue shirt with pink written across the breast and my grey jogging pants. I slid on my converse and told Damon I was going for a walk around the pack house.

"Alright little one, just be back soon ok?" I nodded and gave him a kiss goodbye, wandering out of the room and down the hall. Walking, I noticed there were a few places I had never been before.

I bumped into somebody on my way to the kitchen, quickly excusing myself and trying to get past. Whoever it was grabbed my arm and pushed me against the wall, there hot breath fanning on my neck.

"Your marrying the Alpha, so you thought you would just forget your family? It doesn't work that way mutt, your powerful now and we need that power. You will own us as your family and share the power with us, you hear?" My father spit, giving me a cold stare. My mother just stood there, smirking.

"NO! You have bossed me around my whole life. You made my life a living hell and now you expect me to just forgive you and own you digusting people as my family? FUCK THE HELL OFF AND STAY OUT OF MY LIFE" I screamed, causing Damon to come running from upstairs.

I ran into his arms and he picked me up, telling me that it was going to be ok. I wrapped my legs around his waist and buried my face deep into his neck, breathing in his scent.

"-And don't think this will go unpunished" I wasn't listening to everything Damon said, I was too busy bawling my eyes out and sniffling. I heard my parents scream angry curse words at me, calling me a fuck up and such and such.

"It'll be ok little one, they can't hurt you" Damon murmured in my ear. My eyelids started to droop and soon, I had fallen asleep on my fiance's shoulder

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