Chapter 1

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Tori's POV:

"Can you believe we graduate in only three days?" I asked, excitement clear in my voice. I look to the right, at my Best Friend walking beside me. His brown rooted and blonde tipped hair is styled into a messy quiff and a large grin spread across his face. His ocean blue eyes gleam with amusement as he stares down at me. Niall, the person who has stuck by my side since primary school. The person I can call my Best Friend.

"I don't get why you're so excited," He replied, his thick Irish accent filling my ears. Niall moved from Ireland to America when he was 7, we've been Best Friends since. "It just means we're finally going into the big, scary real world." He chuckled at me, showing his perfect white teeth in a bright smile. I smirk, is my little Irish man scared?

"Are you scared?" I teased, repeating my thoughts out loud. He stumbled slightly as I nudged him with my shoulder. He gave me a playful glare before returning to his up-right position.

"No, it's just that we're going to be starting out new lives! University, new jobs, finding that someone, settling down, marriage, kids... It's all happening!" He exhaled in one big breath. I giggled at him, silly Niall. Then his words processed through my head. To think that in a matter of a few years, I could be married, or even having kids with the person I love. I mentally smiled at the thought, I've always loved little kids. But having them at a young age, like some girls is ridiculous.

"That's true, we can both find that special someone. And you," I said, poking his shoulder with my index finger. "Can be my best man." I smiled. He smiled back and slung an arm around my shoulder as we walked to the cafeteria together. Thank god there was only two more lessons left, then I can finally get home a spend the afternoon watching True Blood episodes.

My phone buzzed from my jean pocket, signalling I had a text message. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the name glowing on the screen, Mum. Sliding my thumb across the screen, the phone unlocked and went straight into the new message.

'Hey Sweetie, your Father and I will be staying in the city tonight to celebrate our 21st anniversary! Sorry we won't be back until tomorrow, feel free to invite Niall over if he isn't busy! xx'

Sighing loudly, I shoved the phone back into my pocket. I'm thankful they trust Niall, otherwise I'd have to spend tonight alone. "Hey, Niall?" I ask as we lined up at the cafeteria. His head snapped to me.

"Hm?" He hummed in response, his Adams apple bobbing up and down. I selected my food and gave the lunch lady my money then waited for Niall.

"Are you busy tonight?" I asked. He thought for a minute as the lunch lady stacked up his tray with a chicken burger, chips and a soda. He then shook his head.

"Nope, why?" He asked back. I sighed in relief, at least I'll have some company.

"Want to stay at mine tonight, Mum and Dad are out and I don't want to be alone." I pouted, popping out my bottom lip. He sent me a cheeky grin and pinch my cheek.

"Aw, and I'm the scared one?" He teased. I glared at him and swatted his hand away. He laughed in response as I crossed my arms over my chest, still keeping my lip popped out. He finished his laughing fit and smiled at me as we walked over to a free table. "Sure, I'll stay over." He smiled a caring smile at me as we sat across from each other at the circular table. It was just Niall and I most of the time, unless someone who walked with us to the cafeteria decided to join us. But this is how I liked it, it felt like me and him against the world.

"Thank you." I spoke, taking a bite of my egg salad sandwich. He popped a chip into his mouth, looking at something behind me. I turned in my seat to see Lizzie Mason standing over two girls who are sitting at Lizzie's own table - as she liked to put it. By the looks of it, they are freshmen. I sigh and roll my eyes, not again.

"You are sitting at  my table!" Lizzie screamed, making the girls flinch slightly. The screaming and yelling went on for about 8 minutes before I finally finished my lunch, Niall had finished before me, but him being a boy of course he'd finish before me. I turn to him and raise an eyebrow. He nods once before we both stand and walk over towards the school's bitch, and the two freshmen.

"Lizzie, will you calm your tits please?" I ask, earning a giggle from the people surrounding us. She glared at me as Niall laughed through his nose next to me.

"No, I won't because these losers are sitting at my table!" She yelled in response. I crossed my arms over my chest and leant on my right leg, popping my left hip out. My eyebrow raised at her childish behaviour. Two girls behind her glanced at each other before standing next to Lizzie with crossed arms. I guess she has followers.

"I'm sorry, I don't see Lizzie written anywhere on the table. So I guess it doesn't belong to you, Hun." I replied sarcastically. Her fists clenched at her sides as she stormed towards me, the girls sitting at the table watched with wide eyes.

"Listen here, smartass. I don't know who you think you are, but you really need to stay out of your own business." She spat through clenched teeth.

"I'm sorry, but I think we have a mix up. This isn't my business, no, but neither is it yours bitch." I said calmly back. She breathed out through her nose loudly before raising her fist, Niall acted fast and stood protectively in front of me. Luckily for Niall's height, he towered over Lizzie and only received -probably to him, weak - punches on the chest. I laughed at the scene as Lizzie screamed frustrated, before turning on her heel and walking away.

"I will get my revenge on you, Tori Innes. You just wait." She called from the exit doors of the cafeteria before leaving with her little followers. I laughed loudly, turning on my heel and walking back to the table Niall and I sat at only minutes ago.

"Thank you for blocking her." I breathed, I'm not one for physical fights. But verbal fights are one of my best talents. I find them amusing. And with a Best Friend that boxes, why not get involved? Niall grinned at me and sat in the same seat from earlier.

"No problemo." He said in a mimicking tone. I playfully glared at him, I couldn't have asked for anyone better.



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