Chapter 39

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Tori's POV: 

"Tori." I heard my favourite voice call. I turned on my heel, a smile spreading on my face. Niall stood only a few metres away, a field of grass being the only thing seperating us. I laughed as we both reached out to grab each others hands. We began spinning in circles, niether of us becoming dizzy. Until I heard a crack beneath our feet, I stopped moving, glancing down towards the ground. Niall's feet continued to move. I could see more cracks appearing underneath them, I tried to scream for him to stop but it was like I had no voice. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, it was all too confusing. Bit by bit though, the ground beneath us broke apart, falling into just a black hole. My heart was pounding, I began screaming again but nothing worked. And as if it were nothing, Niall just dissapeared-

"Tori! Wake up!" I heard a voice scream. I shot up from my spot with sweat dripping down my forehead. My breathing was heavy and ragged. I could feel the blood rushing from my head, giving me a headspin. "Looks like you were having a nightmare." Hellen gave me an aplologetic look. I gripped my forehead with my palm, wiping the sweat away. "I have an update on I believe his name is Niall, correct?" She asks, reading over some papers. I nodded. "His surgery is finished, he should be coming off the medication by now. She glanced at her wrist watch. "Would you like to see him?" Before she had even finished her sentence I was up. 

She lead me down a hallway, then we turned left into an elevator. We were lifted to the third floor, then led down another hallway and finally to a room labelled 198 above the door. I gulped deeply, preparing myself for the sight. Hellen gave me a nod and opened the door. I walked through and breathed in sharply. "If you have any problems, just press that red button there and a nurse will be here shortly." She instructed. I nodded and gave her a small 'thank you'. The door shut as I dragged a chair across the room to the front of the bed. 

The beeping from machines were distracting me from trying not to break down. Hellen did say he'd be waking up soon, but I won't know what to say or do when he does. I'm so stuck in my own thoughts, it's getting to the point where I'm having anxiety attacks. I held my stomach, breathing deeply. 

"You're daddy's going to be okay, he's going to be just fine." I whispered to our babies, even though I knew I was trying to convince myself. I brought my knees up on the chair and held them as far as my stomach would let them, I'm surprised I still could. I burried my head on my knees and closed my eyes, just whispering to myself that he'd be fine. I swear it'd been 5 hours, when only it'd been 20 minutes, it was making it a whole lot harder to relax. I knew the hospital had fixed him up, but it's still worth worrying about.

I must have slept a maximum of 3 hours, because by now it's 9:32pm. I sighed tiredly but refused to sleep. I needed to be there as soon as he woke up. I stood from my chair and walked over the the water machine, grabbing a plastic cup and filling it with cold water. I sipped it slowly, examining the wall as I did so. 

A cough startled me, making me spit the water all over my shirt and drop the cup. I spun around, my eyes wide. Niall was coughing gently, his eyes shut tightly. I quickly rushed to his side, taking his hand in mine. In seconds, his blue, piercing eyes looked right at me, then dissapeared again before opening fully. My heart was racing at the sight of him. 

"Tori?" His deep, groggy voice croaked. I nodded, trying to blink away tears. 

"Yes Niall, it's me." I whispered back, pushing some of his blonde hair off his forehead gently. His eyes travelled around the room, a small frown on his face. 

"Why are we in a hospital? Oh god, did you already give birth? I missed it didn't I!" He talked slowly, but  I smiled at his words. "Wait, if you gave birth then why am I in the bed and you're standing?" He went to move but hissed at the pain. I watched him lift the blanket, his frown grew. "What in the bloody hell happened?" He asked quietly, more confused. His voice was still groggy and slow. 

"You were.. in a car accident Niall." I sighed. He looked at me, concentrating as if trying to remember. He shook his head. 

"Everything hurts." He suddenly complained. 

"That's probably the pain killers wearing off." I explained. I shook my head. "I'm sorry, Niall." He looked at me confused, of course he wouldn't remember. "I'm sorry for fighting with you before it all happened. I honestly thought I had lost you and all I felt was guilt and emptiness-" I tried to explain more but was cut off. 

"Tori, it doesn't matter." He sighed. I shook my head. 

"Yes it does, I could've lost you and the last thing we would've done is fight." My voice was becoming more serious by the minute. He stared at his hands before we both fell into silence.


The door suddenly opened releaving a different nurse. "Oh great! You're awake." She smiled kindly, completely ignoring me. I stared at the young, brunette as she came around to the opposite side of Niall's bed. She held a clipboard in her hand and a pen in the other. "How do you feel?" She asked, a little too exaggerated. Her eyelashes batted as she looked at Niall. I felt myself becoming angered as I stared at her fake face. 

"Uh.. sore." Niall croaked. She giggled and wrote down what I thought was his repsonses. I raised an eyebrow. The door opened again to reveal Hellen with a food tray, she smiled at me then looked towards the young girl. 

"How are you going Tori? Niall, I hope you're feeling better." She smiled. I liked Hellen, she was a kind lady and didn't flirt with you're baby daddy right in front of you. 

"Oh sorry I didn't notice you were in here, are you family?" The brunette asked. I stood, revealing my baby bump. 

"No, she's this gentleman's girlfriend Jacki." Hellen answered for me, wheeling a table over to Niall. 'Jacki' looked me up and down, her eyes widening slightly as she saw the baby bump. She nodded and pulled the clipboard to her chest.

"Right, well I'll go hand this in." She cleared her throat and left the room. I smirked, crossing my arms as Hellen placed Niall's food on the table. Niall gently sat up, the pain spreading across his face as he sharply breathed in. 

"Just press the button when you're done eating and I'll come collect it." Hellen smiled and left. I turned around to a smirking Niall. I raised an eyebrow as I sat back down. 

"What?" I questioned. 

"So we're dating now, eh?" He chuckled, that cute darn smirk growing. I rolled my eyes, not helping the smile on my face. 

"I couldn't just say 'Hey yeah, we're friends. Oh and he's the father of my children' could I?" I quirked. He laughed gently and shook his head. 

"I'll never be able to figure you out, Tori." His delicious, croaky accent flowed through my ears, making me laugh. "Oh, and I did notice you death staring that Jacki girl. You were jealoussss!" He teased, it was my turn to glare at him. 

"Was not." I mumbled, even though I knew  was. 


I know usually it'd take a while for the patient to wake up, but I didn't want you guys to wait another chapter. So.. HOLLAAAAAA i hope you guys liked it omfggggg so wasup in the town of fabuliciousness? GUYS GUYS GUYSSSSS I'M FINALLY GETTING AN iPHONE SOON YES SOMEONE SCREAM WITH ME YES YES!

ily a trilly guys yep yep yep xoxoxoxox <33333

~k e l s e y x

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