Chapter 16

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Tori's POV:

This is it! My first appointment! I finally get to find out whether my baby is a boy or a girl, saying I'm excited is an understatement. Well, I could say I have a range of emotions really. Scared, worried, anxious... But nothing compares to how excited I am! What Mother wouldn't be?

"We finally get to find out the gender!" I squealed, bouncing in my car seat like a little girl. Niall chuckled in the seat beside me, turning the vehicle left and pulling up beside the pathway. The pregnancy clinic was across the street from here, and I could hear my heart beating against my chest.

I jumped out of the car before Niall had the chance to even open the door and waited as he locked the car with an amused look on his face. "Excited, aren't we?" He smirked, making me stick my tongue out childishly.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I replied back, earning an eyebrow raised from him. I smirked.

"I can agree with you on that." He smiled, taking my hand as we ran across the street. My beanie was about to fly off, before I gripped it with my left hand. I let out a breath as Niall laughed when the car honked its horn at us. Niall frowned at it and waved it off, then smiled and took my hand again before we entered the clinic.

It was almost empty, a girl looking a few years younger then me sat on a chair nervously. I peered at her for a while, watching her fiddle with her fingers. That's when I noticed her stomach. She was obviously pregnant. You would've thought she'd be here with her Mum, and was just waiting for her Mum to come back from her appointment, but no.

I bit my lip, Niall didn't notice her as he gently tugged me away and towards the desk where a lady, looking in her 30s sat behind. I smiled at her and she smiled back, typing away on her computer. "Hello, may I help you?" She questioned politely. I nodded my head.

"Yes, I'm here for an appointment at 11:00am." She nodded her head, typing away again.

"Name, please?"


"Tori Innes?" She rose her eyebrows at me and I have her a simple nod. "Yep, I have you right here. Please take a seat, it won't be too long." I walked over to a seat, hearing Niall following me, and sat down. The girl was on the opposite side of the room and I couldn't help but glance at her every now and then. She looked stressed, scared and worried all in one.

I bit my gum and looked at Niall, his head turned to me, obviously realising I was looking at him. "I'm just going to go talk to her. She looks like she's going to have an anxiety attack." I whispered. He glanced at the girl, then back to me with his blue eyes and gave me approval.

I quickly shuffled over to her and sat down next to her. She didn't raise her eyes, or her head, or barely even moved. She just sat there. "Hey... Are you okay?" I whispered, making her jolt in her seat. She breathed heavily and stared at me wide eyed.

I glanced at Niall, seeing him with his elbow perched on the armrest and his fist pressed against his lips. His head was angled in another direction, but his eyes watched us intently.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there." The girl spoke quietly. I frowned sympathetically.

"It's fine, what's your name?" I spoke calmly. Let's hope this calms her.

"Lucy." She whispered, looking at her feet. I nodded my head.

"How old are you Lucy?"

"16." She sniffed, quickly dabbing at her face. I didn't even notice she was crying. I gulped deeply and took her hand in mine. I didn't know this girl, but that doesn't matter. She needs someone right now.

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