Chapter 31

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Niall's POV: 

"It's tomorrow! It's tomorrow! It's tomorrow!" I heard an excited voice scream while jumping on me. I groaned quietly, letting my eyes squint open. Tori was hovered above me, a wide smile patterned on her lips. "Tomorrow!" She squealed again. I blinked, rubbing my eyes before sitting up. 

"What's tomorrow?" I asked, playing along. She frowned, crossing her arms. 

"You know exactly what." She huffed. I shrugged my shoulders, biting my lip in thought with a frown etched on my face. 

"Nope, I don't recall anything. I mean, it's not like it's anyone's birthday or anything." I popped the 'p' in the 'nope', trying to hide my smile. Tori's eyes narrowed, her lips pulling to a thin line. I stared at her, my eyebrows raised as if to say, 'continue'. 

"Nialllll." She groaned, emphasising my name. She fell back onto the bed, looking at me from upside down. I smiled at how silly she looked. 

"What?" I asked innocently. 

"It's my birthday in tomorrow" She laughed, sounding like a 5 year old. I shook my head as she smiled widely. 

"Oh, is it?" I asked, pretending to be shocked. She laughed and nodded. "Hm, no I think you're lying." I stated. Her smile fell as another glare replaced it. She flipped herself over and jumped on top of me again. I grunted at the impact as she smiled. 

"Sorry, who's lying?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. I smirked and leaned forward slightly. 

"You." I whispered. Her eyes turned into slits as she bit her lip. After a few seconds, I was attacked by punches and slaps. My arms raised to my head, blocking my face from her. She laughed loudly, rolling off of me and jumping off the bed and walking out of the room. I shook my head with a smile on my face. Look's like I have some planning to do, I reached for my phone, typing in the contacts I'd need to help me. 


Tori's POV: 

"No you stupid man person thingy!" I yelled at the TV, getting frustrated with this game. Niall laughed through his nose beside me, making me glare at him. He raised his hands in surrender, blue wide eyes looking into mine. "Hmph." I hummed, turning back to the screen. Another soldier jumped out from behind a broken down jeep, immidieately killing me for the third time. 

"Are you kidding me!? I wasn't even ready! This game is stupid." I huffed, throwing the remote to my side. Niall laughed again, picking up the remote. He patted the empty spot between us, motioning for me to come closer. I shuffled over so our shoulders and thighs rubbed against each other, he handed me back the remote and wrapped an arm around me so his hand covered mine. The free hand took a hold of my other hand. 

"Call Of Duty is harder than I thought." I sighed. Niall shook his head. 

"You've just got to get the hand of it, that's all." He chuckled. I made a 'pft' sound and gave him a 'really' look. 

"No, I think it's just people spend too much time that they get too good and always win." I rolled my eyes. It seemed like the typical thing a teenage boy would do.

"Alright, ready?" He asked, he sounded closer than I thought. It's like if I turned my head I'd be able to kiss him. Yeah, won't happen. I nodded my head, my eyes studying the screen. Large numbers appeared on the screen again, counting down from 3. 

3...2...1... GO! 

Niall's hands directed mine on the remote, making me sprint to one of the ladders of a building and climbing it. Our player walked to the middle of the railing before crouching down and watching through the gaps of the fence.

"The trick is to hide behind something and wait for people to come past, it's better than dying every 3 seconds." Niall huffed, I nodded my head, keeping my eyes solmly focused on the screen. "Shoot!" Niall ordered, pressing my index finger down, making the bullets fly from the gun on the screen. In seconds, I watched one of my enemies bodies fall to the ground in a heap. Niall's hands dropped from mine as I smiled widely, raising my remote above me head. 

"Man down! Hah!" I shouted happily, doing a little happy dance on the spot.

"Keep your eyes on the screen!" He paniced, making me snap back to the game. Another gamer was headed right my way. Adrenaline rushed through me as I pressed down hard on the shooting button. Again, the body dropped to the ground. The words 'Head Shot!' written in red appearing on the screen. "Holy, you got a head shot!" Niall said, his eyes wide. I glanced at him then back to the screen. 

"What's a head shot?" I questioned, frowning slightly. 

"It's when you shoot them in the head, obviously." Niall laughed. My mouth formed an 'O' shape at how stupid I sounded. Well it wouldn't be the first time. I paused the game as my stomach began to rumble. 

"Pizza for dinner!" I more as so declared, getting up to use the phone.

"I'm not going to argue on that one." He spoke, taking the remote and unpausing it so he could continue. He'd probably win the game for me, so I'm not complaining. I walked into the kitchen where Niall's and my own phone were sitting on the bench. I took mine, dialling the pizza place and waited as it rung. 

Another beeping noise caught my attention, making my eyes find none other than Niall's phone. I frowned slightly, walking over to see what it was. Before I could read anything, a hand snatched the phone from the bench and shoved it into a pocket. I looked up to meet relieved, blue eyes. What in the hell was that about? 

"Those damn alarms." He laughed nervously. I raised an eyebrow at him, why was he all of a sudden acting so strange? He was lying, I could tell, I always could when he did lie, it was obviously a text. But why was he hiding it from me? I mentally gasped. Was he secretly seeing someone? 

Not that I was the boss of what he did, but if I told you I felt my stomach drop then I wouldn't be lying. I blinked a few times, pushing the thought to the back mind. I gave him a nod and turned my back to face him. The call rang once more before I finally got an answer. 

lt's not supposed to hurt when you hear someone could be seeing another person, right? Unless you actually like them, I mean- oh. 


I'm so sorry, this chapter is so so so bad oh my jesus. I know it's a filler chapter and it sucks but schools back on, and I'm trying to really focus on that. I'm a senior so it's getting pretty serious..  



Did i get it right, or did I spell it wrong? Sorry if I did, I've had to remember all of the names :P My brain is frieeeeeeed. Ugh. THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS GUYS, I LOVE YOU ALL <3 

Promise a better update next time xxxx

~k e l s e y x

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