Epilogue [Short]

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Tori's POV: 

10 years later...

"Stop pulling my hair!" I groaned once the screaming again began. 

"Stop picking on me then!" 

"You're the one pulling my hair, you idiot!" 

"ENOUGH!" I yelled over the two, looking over my shoulder to see Diana and Caleb staring back at me wide, blue eyes. Sure enough, Diana's dark brown ponytail was being tugged at by Caleb. Caleb's opposite blonde hair was ruffled and messy, and I knew them enough to tell that Diana had been trying to pull his hair back. "You're both acting like babies!" I said through gritted teeth. 

Caleb was the first to frown. "I am not a baby! Diana's the one being a baby." He protested, crossing his arms over his chest. 

"You liar!" Diana gasped, pointing a finger at him. Sure enough, we knew she had my attitude. 

"Baby." Caleb stuck his tongue out at her, making her nose scrunch in anger.

"You're so dea-" 

"God help me, you kids! I will turn this car around!" Niall's voice boomed. I looked over his face, his brows were drawn together and his grip on the steering wheel was tight. I watched from the corner of my eye as Caleb and Diana's faces fell to neutral. They both shuffled away from each other and stared out the window. "We expect more with your 11th birthday's just around the corner." I nodded my head in agreement. 

I was thanking the heavens, for once we had 10 minutes of silence. Usually, Diana and Caleb could stand each other and stick with each other for activities and things but once forced to sit with each other for 3 hours, it's a pretty risky task. 

"How long does it take to get to Disneyland?" Caleb whined, breaking the only few minutes of peace I had. 

"Not long now." I reassured him, giving him a small smile. He nodded his head and laid his head back on the window. 

"I wanna meet Mickey Mouse." Diana beamed, the cute dimple on her chin popping out when she smiled. 

"Then we will meet Mickey Mouse." Niall said back in a funny accent, making the two laugh. I laughed quietly at him as he glanced over at me and back at the road. 

"I'm sure your Dad wants to meet him the most." I smirked, keeping our eyes locked. 

"I want nothing more, actually." He smiled, winking. I laughed and leant my head back against the head rest. 


"We're here! We're here! We're here!" Diana and Caleb chanted together as we pulled into a parking space. Crowds of people walked around with some sort of Disney merchandise. Kids with balloons and such walked in and out of the gates with tired looking parents. I smiled, feeling excited myself. I had never been to Disneyland, and now that I was here I could feel my inner child coming out.

We all jumped out of the car and began our way towards the large gates. "So, you ready to meet my idol?" Niall piped next to me, entwining our fingers together. I smirked.

"My idol has to be Ariel." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I can't decide between Aladdin or Peter Pan..." He said with a 'I'm thinking seriously' tone. I laughed at him and shook my head.

We - hurriedly- paid for our tickets before -being pulled- walking inside. Caleb and Diana still had a hold on our arms, dragging us into the park. They looked around frantically, obviously not knowing where to go first. Eventually, they decided on a ride and left Niall and I sitting on the seat outside of the 'hop off' exit.

"They're both going to be so worn out tomorrow." Niall chuckled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I laughed with him and rested my head against his shoulder.

"Well isn't that good? We know that they'll be exhausted on the drive home, hopefully they sleep." I said with a raised eyebrow. He nodded his head.

"Best friends when they aren't in a vehicle." He admitted, making me laugh again.

I could smell his strong, musky colonge. I breathed in deeply and closed my eyes. It was my favourite smell, as weird as it was saying that. But if anyone else were to wear that same colonge, it would definitely not be the same.

I was cut off by running footsteps coming towards us. I opened my eyes just as Caleb and Diana were at our feet. "Mum, Dad, Mickey is over there! Come on!" Diana bounced on her feet. Her smile reached her blue eyes which couldn't make me anymore happier.

A few photo's later, and happy twins, we were left to follow the two around while they went on rides and looked in shops and greeted the Disney characters. By the time we had finished half of the park, it was already getting dark. I checked the time, 5:56PM.

"We should get going..." I sighed, feeling energy drained. Diana and Caleb both stopped in their tracks to look at me like I was crazy.

"What!? We haven't finished everything!" Diana gasped. I shook my head. 

"We can come back another day, our arms are sore from carrying around your bags are merchendise." I retorted, turning to leave. 

"At least wait for the fireworks." Caleb groaned and frowned at me. I eyed him for a few seconds. "They go off at 6, pleaaaase!" He begged, clutching his hands together and dropping to his knees. I grabbed his arms and laugh, pulling him up. 

I turned to face Niall to see what he says. He just smiles and nods his head once. "Okay, we'll watch the fireworks." I gave in making them cheer.  

Just as we finished our conversation, a crowd had gathered around the Disney castle. Niall laced his arm around my waist and we followed Diana and Caleb towards the seats. The lights that lit up the castle slowly faded and sure enough, music began to play from the speakers as the first few fireworks crackled into the air. 

There were 'ooh's and 'aah's at the pretty colours, they bunched together. I gasped at the beauty of them and leaned into Niall. The castle lit up with fairy lights as the fireworks glowed behind them. "They're so pretty!" Diana squealed excitedly, clapping her hands together. I smiled down at her, pulling her into my chest. Niall did the same with Caleb and we all stood together admiring the lights. 

I turned my head to look up at Niall but he was already looking down at me. "This was worth the wait." I smiled, making him do the same. 

"Definitely." He whispered, crashing his lips to mine. 

The last thing I heard was the 'ew!' from Caleb and Diana in front of us before the loud fireworks cut them off. 



it's finished

bruh. what. the. fookery. 

IT'S FINISHED WHAT THE FUK IS GOIN ON I'M SCARED AH WHAT DO I DO WITH MY LIFE NOW OML. so like i said, it is short but that was expected bc I  did say c: i hope that's not a bother xx


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