Chapter 15

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Niall's POV:

Niall, why do you have to have feelings for her? You know she'll never like you back!

The little voice whispered in my head. I shook the thoughts out of my mind, stupid voice. Always putting me down. Sighing, I leant back on the couch and rubbing a hand on my face. Feelings are complicated. One minute you think you like a girl, the next you put yourself down because of it!

Papers were still covering the coffee table in a mess, and I curiously leaned forward again to examine them. My eyes scanned them, only realising they were just bills and such. Then, one caught my eye. I frowned slightly and picked it up, reading the title aloud.

"Wherever You Are..." I mumbled, more to myself but it still echoed through the house. I read over the lyrics and my frown faded, instead replaced by a small smile. To think I had only written this last week, and now I already have her. Right here, in my house, by my side again. It's an amazing feeling really, having her back.

It's like a kid on Halloween when they get candy. The excitement and happiness, written all over their faces. I smiled at the thought.

"What's that?" A small, delicate voice whispered from the kitchen. Well, technically the kitchen and lounge were joined so I guess from the same room. My head snapped up to meet Tori's green eyes. I let my eyes travel down her body, enjoying every second of it.

She must have changed before of after she woke up.

A tight, white singlet stuck to her body with small booty shorts, a much larger robe-type-thing draped over her shoulders. One of the sleeves falling slightly down one of her shoulders. Her hair was tied into a bun and she wore no make up at all. She looked like an angel.

"I thought you were sleeping?" I said, - although it came out as more of a question - amused. She shrugged her shoulders, pulling the sleeve back up and slowly walked over to me. I could see her small baby bump and smiled. To think that's my child, growing inside there, makes my heart melt. I know, girly. But that's how it felt.

"I had a little sleep, then I woke up because of... uh. Nothing. And now I just can't get back to sleep." She said shrugged it off awkwardly, but I narrowed my eyes. She coughed and sat next to me, our legs brushing against each other. "Now, what is that?" She questioned, taking the paper out of my hand before I got the chance to stop her. 

I watched as her eyes scanned over the paper, a small smile present on her face. "Did you write this?" She asked, dropping her hand slightly and looking me in the eyes. I shyly nodded my head. "W-What's it about?" Oh boy, here we go.

"Uh... Just for a friend of mine. I hadn't seen her in a while, and I missed her. So, I wrote a song for her." I smiled. She silently laughed and looked back down at the paper.

"Could I meet her, one day?" She asked. Again. I smiled, exploring her flawless face.

"I'm sure you two would get along just fine." I smirked, making her laugh again. It went silent for  while before she broke the silence.


"Hm?" I hummed in response.

"Sing it for me?" She  spoke just above a whisper. I stared at her, her staring back. I sighed and nodded my head, making her smile widely. Standing, I went to go grab my guitar from the corner of the room. She watched me intently as I sat back down with it in my hand. I held out my hand for the paper and she gently placed it in my palm.

I put it on my lap, my guitar almost squishing it and began singing the song again. I sang the lyrics, with more meaning to them than the first time and looked into Tori's eyes, who was looking straight back into mine. They glistened in the glow of the TV and I noticed the tears building up in her eyes. Oh, I'm praying those aren't sad tears.

I finished the last line and laid the guitar down next to me, then turned back to Tori just as the first tear fell down her cheek. I acted fast, wiping it with my thumb. "Please don't tell me those aren't happy tears." I spoke, making her chuckle and shake her head.

"No, no, no. I'm just overjoyed." She squeaked, sniffing and wiping her eyes with the robes sleeve. "It was beautiful Niall, thank you." She sniffed again, before wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me into a bone crushing hug. I snaked my arms around her waist and rested my chin on her head, peppering a small kiss on her forehead.

A thought came to the front of my mind again and  I pulled away, as much as I didn't want to.  

"What woke you up?" I quietly asked her, feeling her go stiff in my arms. "Tori.." I said, more stern. She sighed, leaning her head against my shoulder.

"I just had a nightmare, it was nothing." She shrugged me off. I wanted to wrap her in my arms and tell her everything would be okay, but I hesitated.

"About what?" I whispered. She shook her head.

"It doesn't matter. It's over, and I just hope it never does happen." Her voice cracked, making my heart shatter. I hated this part of Tori, it's the complete opposite from the strong, confidence - and crazy - Tori I usually see.

"You know you can tell me, Tori." I mumbled, wrapping an arm around her comfortingly. She sniffed and I realised she was crying again, only this time they weren't happy tears.

"I-It was about loosing the baby." She sobbed, gripping my shirt. I felt my muscles tense and my jaw clench. Never will I ever let that happen. "I don't want that to happen Niall. The baby hasn't been born yet, but I already love it more than anything." She cried, burying her face in my chest. I pulled her closer to me so she sat on my lap and stroked her hair gently.

"Shh, it's okay Tori. I won't let that happen, you know that." I cooed to her, pressing my cheek against her head. Her crying eventually ceased and I sighed deeply through my nose.

"I couldn't imagine life the way it is now, it's changed so much, but I don't regret anything at all." She whispered, her voice cracking slightly. I smiled and nodded against her hair. I laid down on the couch, making room for her to lay next to me. She gladly took the offer and snuggled her head against my chest, so my chin was still pressed against her head.

My arm was protectively wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer. Our legs tangled with each others and I muted the TV so all that was heard was our steady breathing, syncing together. She yawned cutely as I pushed back the strands over hair that had fallen over her face and pushed them behind her ear. "Go to sleep, princess." I whispered, kissing her head one last time. I saw a smile spread on her pink lips and her eyes flutter close.

"Goodnight, Ni." She whispered, using my old nickname. I smiled in response, even though she couldn't see it.

"Goodnight Tori." I sighed, feeling the drowsiness pull me in.


*chants* UPDATE, UPDATE, UPDATE! UPDATE, UPDATE, UPDATE! WE ALL LIKE THE UPDATES (I hope..) Well, seeing as it's my birthday tomorrow and I figured I have a slim chance of updating, I updated today! Yes, yes. You may love me ;) Jokes, no one loves me. Okay.

BUT BE PREPARED MY LOVELY READERS, for there is much much drama ahead.. oooooooooh! I hope you liked this chapter! Sorry if it was boring :( I need some new ideas, so message me if you have anything in mind! Thank you! xoxo


(not proof-read so sorry for any grammatical errors!)

~k e l s e y x

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