3: Against Him

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"Absurd." I croaked out, feeling my core dripping wet as the stare manipulated my thoughts.

I imagined his fingers working skillfully through my whole body, giving me the pleasure which rocked my core.

I was really turning into a pathetic slut. The desire and lust for him was growing stronger that I had to rest my hands against his hard chest as I took in a deep breath.

With all my might, I pushed him off my body, tearing away the space which enclosed us.

I feared that I might let him have his way if I didn't do something to stop my wild imagination.

I looked up, giving him a pained look as I shook my head vigorously. "I can't do this." I let the words slipped out of my mouth as I turned around to escape.

He let me go. But I knew that it wouldn't be long before he caught me again.

Clutching onto my helmet tightly, I darted my way out of the crowd as I tightened my bomber jacket close to my skin, feeling the sensation relishing me again when I imagined him touching me.

Shaking off all the thoughts, I mentally slapped myself as I got out of the arena unnoticed.

Without even bidding the man goodbye like I usually did, I ignored his curious glance and sped out of the dark alley.

I kept my eyes trained on the road as images of the kiss filled my mind. I was going to go berserk soon if those dirty thoughts doesn't go away.

Ugh, what was wrong with me? He was just fooling around with me.


His name sent a shiver down my spine as I felt my breath hitched at the back of my throat.

I shook my head and cleared my mind as I pulled up by the driveway. I fished into my pockets before letting my fingers travelled to my arms when it dawned on me that I had forgotten my bag.

I was in dipsh*t this time.

I fished into my pockets for my phone as I called boss. The call went straight to his voicemail while I dragged my face down in distraught.

Sure, I was in dipsh*t this time. I hopped onto my motorbike and drove back to the road.


I woke up, my hair in a heap of mess as I stretched my limbs. I had slept on my working desk the entire night since the building was still open, even though it was late when I reached.

Thankfully, the guard let me through and allowed me to stay for a night.

If not, I would have to sleep on the streets.

A 'thud' on my desk made me looked up to see boss standing in front of me in his usual suit. It was so different from the dress code last night.

It made me almost couldn't recognised him if not for the pair of dark hooded eyes.

I eyed my bag on my desk and looked back up to see a smirk tugged on the end of his lips.

How I wish I could wipe that smirk off his face. It was because of him that had made me homeless for a night.

I was so going to get back at him for what he had done to me.

"You're angry." He simply said, folding his arms as he watched me flattened down my hair.

"Am I?" I calmly said, hiding my anger as the words came out smoothly.

"Your eyes gave away your emotions. Just like how you gave off the desire and lust which sparked in your eyes last night." His words earned a nonchalant shrug from me.

Well, two can play that game.

"You're right." You're wrong. I said, standing up from my desk.

"You're good at this." You're lousy at this. I said, slowly walking towards him. With each step I took, I tried not to let my confidence wavered at his condescending smirk.

"But you can't deny that you don't feel the same way as well." Because you did feel the lust and desire for me. I smirked, resting a hand on his shoulder while the other hand travelled down to his tie, gently tugging on it.

"Sorry, boss. But I won't let you have what you want, Declan." I finished, letting his name rolled out of my tongue oh so perfectly as I straightened his crooked tie.

Taking a step back, I grabbed my bag from the desk as I turned on my heels.

I felt fingers curled around my wrist as tingles shot through my arm. I ignored how the calmness overwhelmed me when he touched me.

It meant nothing.

I turned around to see a smirk tugged on his lips. "Where do you think you are going while you are in this state? Follow me." He said, his mask hiding all emotions as he jerked his head to the direction of his office.

I have a bad feeling that following him into his office would not turn out good.


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11th July 2016

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