17: Lies And Deception

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A/N _ I feel that I am an evil author.

It has been a week ever since we had sex together. He has been busy with his work, and so was I.

Apparently, the construction work for the project has started and things were getting bumpy for the past few days which made work more sufferable for me.

Scrolling down the emails, I sighed as I checked every one of them which was mostly about the incident that the supplies received had something wrong and had to return back to the suppliers.

Right now, the problems were resulting in the project to be postponed to a later date.

And the most funny thing was, we literally had no time to talk to each other.

It was unusual.

No matter how busy he was, he would always find a way.

Unless he was avoiding me after he had gotten what he wanted.

Have I fallen into his trap by giving him what he wanted and getting betrayed, dumped in the end?

God damn it, can things get any better?

The phone connected to the boss's office rang as I answered it.

"I need you in the office right now."

I pushed myself off the chair and began to walk towards the direction of the office,

With shaky hands, my fingers made contact with the metal handle as I pushed past the door.

Immediately, Boss had me pinned against the wall. His fingers tightened around my wrist as he pressed his body against mine.

His nose found his way to my neck as he bit my earlobe teasingly. "God, I missed you so much." He whispered.

Instantly, my hands found its way to his chest as I pushed him away.

I was seeing red right now. He has been avoiding me, and now he was telling me that he missed me?

Was this kind of joke or something?

"Stop lying in my face, Declan. Admit it, you have been avoiding me." I wheezed out, feeling my veins popping out as anger coursed through them.

He kept silent.

And, I knew that I was right. Darn it, I was so right this time.

I shouldn't have trusted him.

I turned on my heels as I walked away. Tears seeped out of my tear ducts uncontrollably as I wanted to dig out a hole and hide in there for my entire life.

I can't believe that I was so stupid to have actually trusted a man like him.

Walking out of the building, I hadn't realised that it was having a downpour.

Ignoring the rain, I continued to make my way down the pavements as I walked home.

Since my motorbike was currently under maintenance, I had to walk home instead.

A gush of cold wind blew past me as I pulled the jacket tighter towards me.

Droplets of rain rolled down my face as it mixed well with the tears that were dripping down my cheeks.

Tears blurred my vision as I walked down the road aimlessly.

People rushing past me didn't affect me the slightest, I just continued walking with my body soaked in the heavy rain.

He was just my boss. What was I even expecting from him?

He was a player and a jerk. What use could it be if we were together?

Nothing. No matter what the result is, it would be nothing.

I was nothing to him, just a secretary used for his sexual needs.

I hated the feeling of being used. And I hated myself for letting him have the chance to use me for his sexual needs.

Turning the doorknob, I entered my apartment and immediately broke down with silent tears.

What I have hoped not to happen, eventually turned into a reality.

A horrible reality.


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10th October 2016

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