Chapter 13 She Must Not Know

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Shit, hell, fucking, bloody, damn, hell, bloody, shit fuck.

Why the hell did I have to kiss her?! Why the fuck?! Words cannot even describe what a huge fuck up that was. Now she'll think I actually feel something for her. So much for controlling my lust. Yeah, the kiss felt good, really good actually, but I'm sure it meant something to her. That she means somehting to me. It was a mistake taking her in from the start. I'm so mad with myself and I know I'll probably smash something once I'm home. The happy look on her face when I pulled away and then the disappointed frown replacing it. It made me feel like a douche.

You are a douche.

I have no fucking clue what to do now. We're bonded so I can't really stay away from her, I'm incapable of killing her, she probably thinks that kiss meant something, that -shit, this is all so fucked up. I feel done with everything.

I slowed down so I'm only walking and not running for my dear life. I didn't want to go 'home' right now. Mainly because I didn't want to smash up my home out of aggression but also because that room would now always remind me of her. It sucked, everything was pretty much fine and then I kiss her.

Suddenly I heard a branch snap, as if someone stepped on it. There aren't usually people out here in the woods. These are my hunting grounds and I'm not letting this slip away. I've made this forest famous for being killing grounds of a vampire though I've never been caught. Hell, I've made head lines for killing thousands on this very earth. I started racing to where the noise had come from. I moved further into the woods but stopped to listen. Footsteps, I thought, and they're quickening and soon they'll be running. Whoever it was knew they were caught. Again I took off looking for anything really. Soon enough a head of blonde hair appeared before me. She was running, not wasting any time looking back. It only took me a few seconds to reach her now. I stopped right in front of her and she screamed when she saw me, realizing that there would be no escape from me. It's well kown that once you are on a bad side with a vampire they won't let it slip, especially not when there is war.

"And what're you doing out in the woods at this time?" I asked her, letting my fangs grow long and show. She fell to the ground in fear and tried scrambling up onto her feet again. She might faint any minute by the looks of it. "Don't worry, you'll be fine just there." I snapped, getting closer to her. She was too scared to move and a flustered sob left her mouth. I got down on my knees in front of her, moving a piece of hair out of her face. She was quite pretty really but not near as beautiful as Saoirse. Her blonde hair fell in small messy ringlets over her shoulders, her eyes an icy shade of blue, her petite body shaking in fear, her small thin lips dry and cracked. Typical looking human from London. But what the hell was she doing out here? If she was from the capital out of all places. My hand reached out to her face again moving her hair from her neck. Her skin was clean and too smooth. She was obviously rich. Rich and nosy coming out here to a forest famous for murders and massacres of humans. Gone one day, found drained and ripped the pieces the next. I don't only speak for myself when I say it's enjoyable. It's what I'm made for, it's what I do.

"Please..." She whispered, closing her eyes.

"In what world are vampires sparing?" I growled at her pathetic plea. "Nosy and snobby kids from the capital should after all be taught a lesson."

"Please, I have to get home to my brother." Her almost silent plea tugged at something in my heart, images of Saoirse seeing her brother falling dead to the ground flashed through my mind. Her face when realising she'd lost everything. I gave the small shaking human another look. I didn't even know what to answer her with, I didn't even know what I was going to do.

"He can do a night without you." I growled and grabbed her throat, she screamed but I tightened my grip, restricting her air supply. My body held hers down on the ground as she sobbed when my hand was removed from her throat. I started at the jugular vein on her neck, she was so frightened. I could hear her heart beat going a thousand miles per hour. My head leant down to the crook of her neck.

"Please, I'll do anything for you..." Her voice was barely a hoarse whisper. Her pleas annoyed me and I was going to make sure that was her last one. I lifted my head and looked her dead in the eye.

"Anything?" I asked cocking my eye brow up. Not in a curious matter more in a cocky, mocking matter. Tears were running down her face uncontrollably and she nodded, trying to grab my forearms which were holding her down.

"Then stay still." I ordered and before she had a chance to process my words my fangs were boring into her skin. She screamed loudly as I took big gulps of her warm blood. I drank and drank from her until she stopped moving. Her heart beat was slowing down. She'll be dead any minute, I thought and pulled away. Her body was weak, her breathing slow and struggled, her heart giving in.

"And now for the finale." I smiled, making sure my bloody grin would be the last thing she would ever see. She whimpered as I reached forward and helped her sit up. She gave me a confused look.

"This won't hurt one bit." I articulated every word before moving my hands in one swift movement snapping her neck. I stared down at the dead body lying there lifeless. Her eyes wide open as if she was still in fear. My hands reached forward to close them but then I stopped myself. What am I doing? I thought. I'm a murderer, a monster. I don't care if I leave her here with her eyes open. I want the people to see the fear that is left in her eyes, what fear I can cause anyone. I am a vampire, I am not a caring creature, I kill and live off humans. Itty bitty pathetic humans. Slowly I started walking away from the scene, licking the blood from my lips. The blood that would never taste the same because of Saoirse. Her sweet intoxicating taste that no other blood could ever compare too. She is everything, she's invading my thoughts. I tried telling myself what I felt for her was pure lust and the bond, but the bond is pretty fucking strong.

"Fuck." I panted and started running home. It was late and I was covered in blood, if a human saw me I'd be captured. Well, I don't think they'd manage. The stupid creatures underestimate our power, we will win this war. Vampires will eventually rule the world even if it takes capturing every human on earth, making them our blood slaves.

I reached my front door yanking it open. I was surprised that no one was here, they probably knew better. I looked into the mirror in my hall and almost gasped at the sight of me. My eyes were red, indicating that I was still thirsty, she didn't do it for me. I was also covered head to toe in blood, I'd been a lot messier than I intended to be. But one thing was clear to me.

Saoirse must not know. She wanted to save these peoples lives. She wanted to save that girl in the forest. That's why she was so desperate to feed off me. She wanted to save that girl and all the others I killed in the forest yesterday. She must not know.

Bitten (Harry Styles Vampire)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz