Chapter 39 Tock...

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I was getting scared. Only 4 hours left before torture and I still hadn't made up my mind. I really wished Harry or Liam or anyone really would just come up here and tell me what to do. The more time that went on the hungrier I got. Never in my life had I wanted to experience this. I never wanted to turn. It could've at least been my choice but no, I was forced into it.

The door to my room was still open and I saw a figure stalking up the stairs- Harry. Just as I thought he was going to come in here he walked past and into another room. Disappointment was my first reaction but then I shook it off. This is what I wanted, I wanted us to think about the war and what we were going to do about. But how could we do that if I wasn't here?

"Harry!" I called down the hall, running out of my room. His head peeked out from the door and I didn't hesitate one minute before crashing into his arms. "I'm sorry, I'm just so confused right now and I don't know what to do." I sighed.

"It'll be alright." He hushed me, brushing his fingers through my hair, relaxing me.

"No matter how hard I try, I can't stay away from you." My hands were against his chest as I examined every beautiful part of him. I reached up tracing his face, my fingers running over his pink lips. I was so mesmerised by him. The bond felt pretty damn complete to me.

"I love you, and you should know that." He kissed my fingers, pulling me even closer to him. Feeling slight uncomfort I decided to change the subject.

"What was this plan to put the legend to work? The one you and Liam were speaking about?" A small annoyed sigh left his mouth but I chose to ignore it.

"The plan will need time and, I didn't want to tell you this, but we won't be able to succeed with this plan in four hours." He looked sadly at me. This time it was me sighing. Of course the plan would need more than four hours.

"No, it's fine." I mumbled, pulling away from him. It wasn't actually 'fine', I just said whatever to get away from him. Luckily he didn't follow me as I stalked back into my room where I planned on staying until my mind was made up. My frail body fell onto the bed and my eyes closed peacefully. The exhaustion was wearing me out worse than starvation. Before I knew it I drifted off to dreamless sleep.

My body flew up from lying down. Liam was sitting on the side of my bed next to me. He had woke me up by only shaking me slightly yet my reflexes were crazy. The first thing I did was stare at the clock on the wall in front of me.

"Liam why didn't you wake me earlier!" I cried, hitting him on his chest. He gently grabbed my wrists, not even fazed by my outrage.

"It's normal to sleep at that time in transition and if you don't drink blood now, you're going to be glad you slept." His serious look made me squirm in his grip.

30 minutes and lessening

"Where's Harry?" I asked, looking over his shoulder. His hands gently pushed me back by my shoulders, blocking my view.

"Harry is in no..... Position to be talking to you right now." He seemed unsure of his own words. They sounded sour and were most likely an excuse to avoiding truth

"But I need him! If I'm going to go through this now, I need him here!" My panicked cries echoed through the eerily quiet house. Liam tried desperately to hold me in place but I kept thrashing to get out of his grip.

"Saoirse calm down!" He raised his voice but I didn't hear him. I continued to cry for Harry. The more I screamed the more the small ache at the back of my neck grew. My whole head starting aching and so did my heart. Did I drive him away? Was it my miserable attitude before? I doubt it.

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