Chapter 30 Tormented Mind

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The smell of roses and wine took over the whole room. My head ached from all the yelling, screaming and crying that had been done today. Once again Zanita got to her. She always did. Saoirse can't escape her either, no one can.

"What happened to you?" An annoyed selfish voice spoke. "You used to be so fun and now you're just sitting there." The only thing keeping me from not trying to attack her was the large amount of alcohol in my system. Also the exhaustion in me, the clock almost hitting midnight. My head wouldn't be able to take more screaming.

"Maybe because I don't want to have 'fun' with you." I snapped back, hoping Zanita would get the hint and leave me alone.

"I beg to differ." The way her hands would always be on me was disgusting. "We always have fun together, but ever since this place became a home for the poor you turned dull."

"Or maybe I had more fun with someone else and got bored with you." My words clearly about Saoirse and I. Zanita's eyes practically turned black at the mention of me being bored with her. Because to her, no one could possibly be more interesting, fun, sexy, evil or anything for that matter.

"You'll never be bored with me, I'm too exciting." She bragged, quietly undoing another button of her blouse. I didn't even have to force myself to look away, it was now a reflex of disgust.

"I'm already bored." I mumbled, drinking whatever alcohol was in my glass. Zanita narrowed her eyes at me.

"God, why are moping about this god awful human. She's nothing compared to me." I was mentally preparing for another one of her 'but-I'm-so-much-better-' rants. "Do you know how many men want me? How many vampires would kill to be in your place right now?" Her hand went dangerously high up my thigh. But I felt nothing but hatred.

"Oh come on, sex with her could hardly be that good." She scoffed, walking into the kitchen, opening a bottle of wine. A small smile was evident on my face, the fact finally getting into her head.

Saoirse was that good, in everything she did and I knew that she would be broken as soon as Zanita found out. Because she always does, she finds out about everything one way or another.

"I thought we could drown our sorrows together." She walked in with a bottle of wine, smiling at me. I laughed at her pathetic excuse for socialising but didn't push her away. At least she's not torturing Saoirse. The worst part of this huge mess was that I couldn't get rid of Zanita, I really couldn't. She's much stronger than me, and if I even attempt to throw her out she'll put a stake through my heart.

And I know she has something up her sleeve. I would not get away with hitting her that easily. She's a ticking time bomb.

My head ache only worsened with every second and every new intake of wine. I didn't even realise her hands threading through my curls. I felt drowsier and found it hard to keep my eyes open.

"This wine is quite sweet, don't you think?" She stared at her glass, before leaning in, whispering to me. "Just as sweet as revenge..."

My eyes closed, and I felt myself lose control of my body. The glass in my hand fell to the floor but I couldn't even hear the crash. My vision and hearing zoning out. And with that I was out.

"Wake up!" I heard someone yell. My eyes were still heavy but everything else seemed fine with me, except that I couldn't move my arms or legs. Panic hit me and my eyes flew open only to shut immediately. The bright sun blinded me terribly and I knew I'd been here for a while. There was a small sting on my whole upper body and I carefully tried to see again.

I was tied to a chair, my arms behind me and my feet tight together. What the hell could be this strong, why couldn't I break free from it? My chest was bare and the chair placed right in front of a sunny window. I turned my face away from the sun, only seeing Zanita standing in the shade. As usual she was in all black, leather gloves covering her hands.

"As you should know I am not a woman to be disrespected." She growled, fiddling with something in her hands. "And never would I have expected you to be my biggest disappointment. We could have been perfect."

"Zanita you don't have to do this." I looked at her, she was radiating with a calm anger.

"Quiet!" She demanded, tears gathering in her eyes for a slight moment. As if she didn't want to do this. "I will not be treated that way by any man ever again!" She screwed her eyes shut as painful memories flooded through her brain.

"I made a vow to myself all those thousands of years ago. That I should never tell anyone about it, but you. You were different." I had seen her like this before, but only once and that was the night she told me. "You're the only one, I trusted you with every bit in me." Seeing her this way was uncomfortable and anything but good.

"But you left me. You didn't want me anymore and out of all my enemies in the world you hit me. You betrayed me, you humiliated me once more!" Her screaming was painful and I felt guilt for causing her such distress.

"You feel angry that I came and ruined everything between you and Saoirse after she gave you everything but in fact you ruined everything after I gave you everything." There was a reflection of a blade in her hands as she moved in front of me. The sun shining down on the thin but large metal in her hands.

"You will not go unpunished." The angering was back and her eyes dry as she held the blade in front of me, taunting me with the power she had at this moment. Unexpectedly the blade was forced into my leg and I belted out in pain. It felt as if the cold knife was scratching at my bone, digging deep into my flesh.

"Every man like you should die." Her words scared me but the pain was overpowering my fear. The blade went further in and my flesh was desperately trying to keep in one. The blood escaping from the wound seeped down into the floor, creating a red pool beneath my feet.

"Do you understand what it's like to be turned that way?" She inquired, pulling the blade out of my thigh and bringing it dangerously close to my face. "I thought I was dead, I was convinced that that moment was my last. Not only did that man steal the only thing that made a girl worth something those days but he made sure I had vampire blood in me so he could kill me."

I turned my head away from her intense stare only to have the blade quickly slash across my face. It started healing immediately like normal but then I felt the blade press back into the wound, making it impossible to heal. My face was burning and my heart pounding in my ears, making the blood run faster down my face.

"I was nothing. Somehow everyone found out and frowned upon me. They frowned upon a girl who had been raped and then murdered but that arsehole got away with it because I was actually there. He murdered me but didn't let me die." The only thing I could imagine was if Saoirse had to go through the same thing. Zanita hadn't deserved that, no girl should ever be treated that way but the problem now is that Zanita has made up for not deserving it. Killing for entertainment, torturing for fun.

"And you knew about this, the only person walking on this planet who knows about it hits me to the ground." Her genuine tone sunk right into me and I don't see a vampire, I don't see this horrible hating monster. I saw a hurt woman who wanted nothing but justice. But still I don't find any words.

It was like weight lifting off of me as Zanita removed the knife from my face, dropping it to her side. She turned around, her back facing me. I could see her wiping her tears and as if magic I felt whatever was tied around my wrists and ankles loosen. My body still felt weak from the stabs and drugs but I tried standing up carefully. I made my way to Zanita's shaking body and I wrapped my arms around her. For the first time in my life and probably her life as a vampire, I gave her a proper hug. I hugged her, trying to console her, trying to calm her. This would be how I hugged Saoirse not Zanita.

"Please, I will do anything to make it up to you." I promised her.

"Anything?" She laughed bitterly. "You wouldn't."

"Probably not, but I'll do my best." I tried to laugh a little and so did she.

"Love me." She cried. "But first..."

The tension in the air was so great as I waited for her next words.

"Kill her."

Bitten (Harry Styles Vampire)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें