Chapter 50 War (part 2)

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(guys I have this awesome idea, lets spam this chapter with comments ;) you know for a quicker update)


Just as she heard the steps stop she expected the door to open but it didn't. She listened carefully, some one was there. She could hear their breathing from the other side of that door and suddenly the sound of a gun being loaded. Saoirse raised her weapon pointing it to the door. Everything was still. The soldiers, Louis, Landon, Harry were all waiting for the next move.

The maybe thirty seconds felt like thirty minutes but then the metal door flew open revealing an intimidating human.

"Surprise surprise Freedom!" He groggily laughed in a cockney accent holding a large gun.

Before anyone had time to react a loud gun shot rattled the bones in their stiff bodies. No one reacted, they stood there shocked at the sight before them. The smell of gunpowder and blood filling the room.

Saoirse lowered her gun that had just fired one bullet straight into the mans head. Her breathing was rapid and the adrenaline was pumping through her veins like drugs. It was one of the hardest things she'd ever done but no matter how hard it would be, she had to learn to detach her emotions right now. People would die today, regardless if they get peace or not. Saoirse squeezed her eyes shut, swallowing the bile that had risen in her throat.

A hand around her arm broke her out of the trance of shock. She looked at Harry who had a worried expression on his face. She hadn't even noticed that they were the only two left in the room as more gun shots were heard from outside the door. The word of intruders had spread.

"Saoirse?" Ignoring Harry's calls she stared down at the body in the door. For the first time she wished her sight wasn't as good. As if Harry had heard her secret wish he covered her eyes, pulling her away from the scene with him. Despite this wasn't the first time she'd taken someone's life it was much more difficult. Before it had been for blood and she'd felt as if she got something out of it but now she just felt sick. Putting a bullet into a person was a lot more difficult than sinking your teeth into them, ironically.

Saoirse pulled away from Harry as she felt the blood she'd drowned come back up, emptying her stomach onto the cold floors. Wiping her mouth she took a deep breath preparing to continue.

"Let's go." She spoke, her voice shaky and slightly unsure but she still moved confidently after Louis, Harry close behind. They moved quickly through the beautifully decorated corridors and up several flights of stairs. Everyone seemed to know where they were going except Saoirse. The lack of guards were also shocking though she was certain that back up was on its way. They would have to move fast. Most of the group had split, taking on several guards, easily taking them out. Louis was leading Saoirse and Harry to the conference together with five fighters, all vampires moving at incredible speed.

Harry was eager to get there, almost moving faster than what his legs could manage. This needed to be quick as hell. The rooms and halls got fancier and smaller the closer they got. By this time they had probably moved through half of the building. Louis started slowing down as they entered a more secluded area, clearly where these so called conference rooms were.

"On three..." Louis whispered, everyone nodded taking a deep breath. "One..." He breathed, moving to the end of corridor. There was a door at the end of it which appeared to be unguarded but they knew better. And what hid behind that door was calling them.

"Two..." Their nine bodies pressing up against the walls. Saoirse felt her heart in her throat, checking an extra time to see if her weapon was loaded.

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