Chapter 37 You & I

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A gasp left Liam's mouth as his body flew off of the couch. His breathing was heavy. When he'd taken in his surroundings he calmed a bit, sitting back down on the couch. I was sat opposite him, on the coffee table. I knew he'd wake up again but I was still frightened those minutes he was out.

"Thank god you're okay." I sighed out of relief, wrapping my arms around him. His heart was still beating fast but slowing down.

"I should be the one asking you that question." He pulled away to look at me. From his expression I couldn't be looking too good. The weight of everything was continuing to rest on me. It was exhausting.

"I'm so tired of this." Crying was the only thing I did nowadays and with every tear everything seemed to break even more. Maybe Harry had been right? It would all be easier if I hadn't had any of Liam's blood. I would be peaceful and so would he. I've just caused him more stress and added to the weight.

"I'm not gonna do it." I sniffled after a moment. Liam frowned at me, not understanding. "I'm not drinking the blood. Harry was right, he was only looking out for me."

"I'm not going to tell you what to do but I think you're wrong. What about the legend? For all we know there could be thousands relying on this legend, knowing that this is when it should take place. You've always wanted a purpose and now you probably have the best one- to bring peace. But it's your decision to drink blood or not, I would never force you to do anything." The hope Liam had in his eyes gave me strength, he believed in me so much. He really believed that I could do this.

"I just don't know what I can do? How am I supposed to help the war?" The war was practically all over the world, and I am only one small person.

"Baby steps." He smiled, but I, as so many other times, I couldn't return it. Happiness? That was his heightened emotion. What would mine be, if I decide to drink blood?

"He'll come back to you, Saoirse." Liam told me, more tears gathering up in my eyes. There was never a moment of pure silence. It was always something. Either the screams were real or in my head but there was never any true peace or silence.

"He loves you, that's why he reacted this way. You're the only girl he's ever offered his life to." I knew Liam meant suicide as in he offered his life for but another kind of image flashed through my mind. A new one that hadn't appeared there before. One with an alter and smiles. A beautiful dress and suits. As fast as the image came to my mind as fast I wanted to get it out.

"Yet he tried to kill me." The words sounded worse each time they left my mouth. "Why am I even sitting here moping?! He just snapped your neck and I'm being so selfish, I can't do this!" I frantically cried, standing up and pacing back and forth.

"Calm down, sweet heart." Liam stood up hugging me again. "Breathe..."

These last couple days I'd found myself in Liam's arms so many times yet every single time, even now, I wished they were another pair of arms. It was what I truly needed.

"Go upstairs and rest, your head must be spinning. And don't worry I'll be here."

I did as told but I couldn't relax. Blood was on my mind. Four hours since I woke from the dead. In twelve hours the pain will start. My sleep was infected with blood. Blood, blood, blood. It was dripping off of me, it was surrounding me, it was all I could see. At last I woke up from the terrible dreams haunting me. Staring the the clock upon the wall, I'd only been asleep for an hour, it felt at least like seven. Drifting back off to sleep I suddenly felt more at peace. This time I didn't really dream anything just relaxing sleep. I felt rested and felt like it was time to open my eyes. I was so much more aware of my body and conscious.

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