Chapter 34 Trauma

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"What!?" I gasped. It couldn't be true, I couldn't be the key to it all. "Whatever that legend is talking about it's not me!"

"See for yourself.." Una pointed to the book. The girl on the page looked like me but then I noticed the text. It said Saoirse, everywhere. But then I got a proper look of the text. It was Gaelic, I could read this.

"All the legends are in different languages, some even extinct and there aren't many Gaelic speaking people in the world left."

"How can I read this? I don't know Gaelic, I've never even heard it!"

"The reason you can read it is because it's your legend." Una looked me deeply in the eyes.

"No, this isn't right!" Una ignored my desperation and cries, turning to Liam.

"You have to keep her safe, whatever you do don't let anyone see her or know that she's here. At least until we know what should happens. We don't know who knows of this legend or what they will be capable of doing. And the people who do know about this legend are waiting for her."

"I will do everything to protect her." Liam nodded. Unwillingly tears started streaming down my face. This wasn't my destiny! I'm not a muse.

"Saoirse," She came forward giving me a comforting hug that I didn't return. "I'll put a sleeping spell on her, it looks like she needs it." Again her words were directed to him and not me. I didn't even bother fighting with her magic and just let her put me out of my misery for a couple of hours. She gave me one last look before grabbing the books, putting them in the satchel and leaving. My eyes felt heavier but the spell didn't make me fall asleep, it was more like fainting. Luckily I had someone to catch me before everything went black.

When my eyes reopened I found myself in my bed, well not mine but... It was dark out now. I listened closely but the house was quiet. I crawled out from under the comforter and out into the corridor. As quietly as I possibly could I tip toed to Liam's room. Inside I could see him sleeping peacefully in his bed. This was my opportunity. I snuck back into my room, slipping my shoes on. My coat was bright red and not appropriate for this so instead I picked up a black hoodie from beside my bed. I put it on, pulling the hood up over my head. All the rooms were sealed but I still did my best of not making a sound.

The most difficult was walking down the stairs with shoes on but I managed to not make a sound. Gracefully I unlocked the front door and closed it behind me. The fresh air felt so good in my lungs. I hadn't been outside for days and I needed it. But this was no time to enjoy fresh air, instead I took off into the woods. I needed to get as far away from that house as I could.

My legs carried me as fast as they would and I gradually got deeper and deeper into the woods. Branches whipped my face as I ran but it didn't matter. I needed to somehow get home or find Harry. The problem was that I wasn't familiar with this part of the forest and before I knew it I'd stopped dead in my tracks but not because I was lost. But I heard something in the distance. It wasn't footsteps, no far from it.

Far in the distance I could hear a high pitched sound. Dragged out tunes echoed through the trees, each one getting longer. I started up into the sky. And just for a minute the noise stopped. I continued searching for something, anything, in the skies. High above me I saw them. Large planes flying in over the woods. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of its cage. Every plane seemed to be flying lower than the other until I could see what was on them.

In white all capital letters it said LETS, Law Enforcement over The Supernatural. Me knowing what it stood for was only a coincident from watching the news too much lately. I knew what they did. They were humans controlling the witches that were used as maids and servants. And I knew very very well that if they did not behave they were punished, the humans had made that all too clear.

Just as I was going to continue my on way a plane stopped right above me. As I saw the back of it open I felt like I was having terrible flashbacks. And as if I hadn't seen enough that night I saw a cage being pushed just as it lit on fire. The panic and adrenaline started pumping through my veins as I ran. I ran for my life, the ground beneath my feet shaking with each hit of a new cage. There were screams all around me and I thought I was going insane. It wasn't long before the sky lit up and all I saw around me was yellow. The heat made it hard for my eyes to keep open and smoke made it hard to breathe. My whole body weakened until I felt a sting on my leg, looking down I saw a severe burn. There were blisters all over my leg, blood was using from it and I could practically smell the burn of my own skin. I screamed out in both pain and shock. My mind getting cloudier by the second but then I heard it. A shout, a call.

This time not from someone in pain. It was calling my name. My legs were giving up on me and I fell to my knees but I kept hearing this person screaming and shouting my name. Just as I was going to black out for a second time the person coming for my rescue came into sight. Liam was by side in less than a second bringing his wrist to his mouth.

I didn't refuse his blood and with each drink I felt myself getting stronger. The pain disappearing from my leg. My breathing became easier and I stared up at Liam.

"Thank you." I cried, bursting into sobs. The screams of those witches and vampires were still in my head. "Thank you." I sobbed into his chest.

"We need to get out of here." Liam strictly instructed and helped me to my feet. He kept an arm around me just in case and we started making our way back. Even though Liam didn't show any sign of it I was sure we were lost. Another chunk of the forest had disappeared. But in the distance I saw it, the large tree. The one were Liam had found me three days ago.

"Liam look!" I pointed to the tree and I heard him sigh out of relief. When we got there I leaned against the trunk of the tree. I don't think Liam's blood worked as well on me as Harry's but it wasn't surprising. Just as I was going to thank him a voice spoke. But not mine and not Liam's.

"Lookie lookie here." A menacing voice that made shivers go down my spine and blood boil. It was of course the one and only.

('Ello everybody! I'm so excited for the story right now. Things are kicking in and things are about to go cray, I've been writing non stop! Get ready for drama and so much I'm so excited! Though I have a twisted ankle and it's swollen, blue and painful! I can't dance :( Anyway thank you for 120,000 reads that is amazing and I love you so much.



Bitten (Harry Styles Vampire)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt