Chapter 7

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My eyes feel heavy but I slowly begin trying to blink. After several attempts of opening my eyes I finally got them open. I look around but only see blackness. I feel the box thing I am in lurch forward and begin speeding up. Then I heard tires and honking. I feel bile rise in my throat as I realize I am not in a box. I am in a trunk of a vehicle. I feel my body begin to shake as memories come back to my head.

*flash back*

"Miranda, get your brother and come on!" My dad screams.

I run to my brothers room and slam the door open. "Come on!" I urge him to come with us.

"I am staying home, see you guys later." He says. I groan and run downstairs. I tell my parents, they begin bickering trying to device if they should leave an 8 year old home alone. After a while we leave without him. I plug my headphones into my iPad and blast my music. Every once and a while I looked up to look at my parents. After a few minutes I look up to look at the road. I notice a vehicle driving this way.

It kept swerving back and forth. I look at my parents they were shouting trying to figure out what to do. It was too late though the vehicle rammed into the side of our vehicle. I watch my dads door get smashed and he flies to moms side. A scream slips past my lips as I fly forward and my head slams against the middle part of the car. I slowly begin to pass out but not before I hear the glass smash I see it fly into my parents faces, blood gushing everywhere. Everything turns black and I unwillingly slide into unconsciousness.

I felt the sun peer in and hit my cheek, my eyes slowly flutter open I try to move but can't. I look down and see IV's in in my veins my left are is in a cast. I feel slightly lightheaded and my whole body aches, I watch a women in white walk in. She looks down at her clip board and back at me before jolting things down.

"How do you feel sweetheart?" Her voice was gentle.

"W-where am I? " my voice wavered.

"The hospital, how much do you remember before blacking out?"

I try to think, " i-i remember my parents arguing, and then I s-seen a car coming to us," I said between hiccups tears shedding down my cheeks.

"Is that it?" I shook my head no slowly. I wish that was all I remembered though.

"I-i heard mommy cry and dad was screaming, an-and there w-was blood e-everywhere," a sob racked my chest as I remember what happened.

"W-where is mommy?" I felt my bottom lip tremble as the nurse looked at me sadly.

"Your mommy and daddy didn't make it, I am sorry sweetheart,"

With that she just walked right out, I felt more tears rush down my face when my brother rushes in. I told him the story and he sat on the hospital bed hugging me, every once and a while he'd rock me back and forth.

After I left the hospital a sheriff told me and my brother we'd be living with our 'aunt.' At least that's what we called her, she was just moms best friend since she was a child.

*flash back over*

I remember the cops telling us that it was a drunk driver, since then I've been to scared to drive, I am scared to get drunk as well.

I felt the vehicle hit a bump and I am brought back to reality, I have to get out of this trunk, now. I feel tears slide down my cheeks as my hands tremble looking for the tab to open the trunk, I was surprised my hands weren't tied. I quickly find it and pull it. I don't care how fast we are going I have to get out of this damned death trap, I push the trunk open and jump into the grass on the side if the road.

I roll a few times before my body finally stops I begin running. I hear the brakes squeal and turn around, I see the vehicle backing up. I run even faster, there's no cars around we are on a dirt road. I hear a car door slam and heavy foot steps behind me. I will not go down easily. I pick up my pace and dash towards the middle if the road trying to find a house or something.

After a few minutes of running I feel myself get tackled to the ground a few rocks and pebbles scrape against my skin. I am laying in my stomach with this psycho sitting on my butt trying to grab my thrashing arms. He finally gets them and flips me over. I feel tears sting my eyes as I see Grey hovering above me.

"Get off me!" I scream at him trying to stop my tears. I am usually never emotional but I can't help it.

"Please, let me go!" I shout trying to get out of his grip.

"Why would I do that? I just got you. We can finally be together." He smiles happily and kisses my cheek. I keep struggling in his hold, after a while he must have finally realized I wasn't gonna go willingly because he threw me over his shoulder. He begins walking back to the vehicle.

I feel my throat begin getting dry and I can't help but gasp for air.

"Hey,what's wrong?" He asks concerned. I shake my head viciously.
"P-please don't put me back in that death trap," I beg as tears fill my eyes.

"Hey, it will be all right. I am here I will protect you."

This wouldn't be happening if you were here. I think sarcastically.

"P-please." I close my eyes and slouch my shoulders he continues walking to the car. He puts me on the passengers seat and I begin feeling like I am gonna have a panic attack or throw up. He must have noticed because he shakes his head.

"I am sorry." He whispers in my ear pain laced in his voice. I watch a rag come into view and slapped over my mouth. After a while I finally take a breath knowing it was inevitable anyways.

I quickly fade into the darkness as I hear the door shut and the engine turn on.

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