Chapter 14

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I woke up to the sound of my name. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in out, when I realized it came from the tv. I looked at the news channel curiously as I see my name flash across the screen. I turn the volume louder so I can make out the words.

I sit up and wrap the blanket over me. A beautiful brunette popped onto the screen holding a microphone.

"Hello, This is Ashlee here. I am here to report that Miranda Michelle Tollen has come up missing. No one has seen her for the past two to three days now. At first the police believed that she was kidnapped," I inhale a deep breath, "That is until a generous Jonathan Grey - a detective - came to the police and told them about the case he was working on early that week. On his visitation he told the police that Miranda came in on a later night and reported a death, after further research he realized that Miranda herself killed them. He said that he looked into it and he believes she has multiple personalities and didn't realize that she went on a murder spree." I look at the screen shocked as hell.

"I do not!" I shout at the tv, but the news wasnt over quite yet.

"So if you see this young women," My track photo from last year pops up on the screen, "then make sure you call the police. " I gasp, how am I suppose to run away without getting caught now, the whole states probably knows my face. I take a deep breath and jump when I hear pounding on my door.

I feel my legs shake as I stand up off the bed. I look out the peep hole and notice its the manager.

"I called the cops on your ass!" He screamed slamming his chubby fists on the door again. I jump back and look for the window.

I quickly scramble out of the window and begin running. I am unsure if I want the police right now or not, Like what happens if they call me guilty anyways and bring me to jail. Or even worse what happens if they're on Grey's side and brings me back to his psychotic love.
I run even faster at the thought. I still have the money stuffed in the back pocket of my jeans so I quickly run to the train station. Hopefully no one watched the news here. I run to get a ticket to get as far as I can from here, and quickly ran to my train number. I realize its already boarding.

I jump on and look at all the new faces. I quickly look at the ground so I don't make eye contact with anyone. I must admit Grey was pretty smart to do this. I walk to the seat in the farthest back and plop down. I look out the window as I try to relax a little.

I feel vile rise in my throat as I see Grey sitting at the railroad crossing stop. He looked up just in time to meet my shocked and horrified face. I watch a smirk form on his face. As soon as the train passes across the road I see Greys vehicle continue his way back to his house. I feel a hard lump form in my throat, if i would have looked away and missed that one railroad crossing he wouldn't have seen me.

"Damn it." I breath out. I was so close to freedom, he will surely find me now. By the time I get to the freaking stop he will probably be waiting for me.

I decide to have one last freedom nap. I lock the door to my booth thing and lay down. I allow my eyes to slowly shut as I drift off into a new world.

I woke up to a faint knocking I scramble up quickly and look at the person outside the small door. I notice its one of the train workers. I open the door slowly and look at her.

"We have arrived ma'am," She said sweetly I looked around nervously and begin walking down the aisle. I notice Grey's vehicle is a in the parking lot. I look around and quickly found a jacket. I sneakily grab it and put it on. I make sure the hood is covering me as I walk out. I also made sure I came out with someone else to make it look like I was leaving with that person. I get all the way to the road before the guy next to me goes the opposite way. I begin jogging away, my heart pounding against my chest. I must have had a long nap because the sun was starting to sink down the horizon. I begin walking after about a mile and a half. I feel sweat slide down my back as the sun makes its way down the horizon. I am now walking in almost complete darkness.

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