Chapter 16

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I wake up with a pounding headache. I slowly open my eyes trying to let them readjust. The sun instantly burns my eyes making me flinch. After a while I push myself out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I start a shower and quickly shut and lock the door. Once I double check to make sure the doors locked I begin stripping.

I stand in the shower letting the warm thick air wrap around my body. The steam caused me difficulties trying to breath. I lean against the wall and let my muscles relax as my chest heaves up and down. After about an hour I step out and look at my now red skin. Its almost as red as the burn, I think sarcastically. As if on queue the burn begins hurting again. I quickly get dressed in a sun dress that reaches my knees, It flowed freely so it wasn't really touching the mark. Which I am thankful for.

I hop my way down the stairs and rammed into Grey, I glare at him a little. He smiles down at me, "I was just gonna yell at you for using all the hot water in the house." He says jokingly.

I roll my eyes and complain about my burn.

"Would you like more medicine?" He asks nicely. Where did his mean cruel side go?

I nod my head and follow him into the second bathroom. He picks me up from under my armpits and sits me on the counter. He searches in the drawer and then pulls out a tube of medicine. He walks back over to me and lifts my dress up to my hips. I shout surprised and then try to pull the dress back down, wrong decision. He slaps my thigh, hard. I whimper a little but still try to pull the dress back down, embarrassed to be sitting in front of him with my underwear out.

He slaps me yet again. "Sooner or later you will begin listening to me," he says to himself.

"Stop, I can do i-it." I say awkwardly.

"No, you're my soon to be wife, and mother of my children. I just want to take care of your injuries."His voice was hard telling me I didn't have much of an option.

Thats when it hit me, "Mother..?" I ask quietly

"Well.., yeah. I want kids and you will be my wife, who else would I have 'em with?" He says like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"I-I don't want to be a mother," My voice wavered a lot which I hate.

"It's not like I will want kids right away, Miranda,"  He says gently, "I will give you time to mature and accept the love I am giving you. I can wait till you're ready."

"Yeah but how long are you giving me to be ready..?" I snap a little out of anger.

"I don't know. A year..? Maybe two, I honestly don't know Miranda, I am hoping you'll accept your new life after the wedding."

"I don't accept a kidnapper." I whisper quietly and lift my dress to my belly button allowing him to finish fixing the wound, that he inflicted on me.

Once he was finished I hop off the counter and walk into him as I walk out.
I walk to the kitchen and grab an apple. I then swiftly left the kitchen and go into the living room. Turning on the tv I take a large bite from my apple. I quickly flip through the channels looking for a movie. After a while I find the movie saw and leave it on that (Fun fact: that's my favorite movie, heh.)

i watch all of the saws after that as well, I noticed Grey was watching me intently. After all of the movies were finished I glare over at Grey who is still gawking at me.

"Is there something you'd like?!"

"No, it's just most girls would have picked some romance or action or some shit and you picked horror," He smiles, "That's why I love you and why we are getting married, because you're different and make me feel complete. "

No, we are getting married because you're insane and a kidnapper and you kidnapped me and forced this upon me. I note mentally. I let out a small yawn and notice how late it is.

I only have two days left till the wedding and all I have done is watch a morbid horror movie.

I yell at myself for my stupidity. I have to think my plan through this time, I can't take the risk of getting caught again, I am not sure I would be able to handle it.

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