You have the same name

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( Harrison's POV )

As we get into the next town shots are being fired at us we all try to take cover behind a wall of a house, the captain tells me to move forward and check of its clear i get up and slowly walk near the house walls it's starting to rain now.

I suddenly hear a gun fire the bullet almost touched me, captain yells for me to get down and take cover then signals me the shooter is in the church tower I nod and position my gun right at the little window, i pray to god that he will pop his head out so i can shoot the son of a bitch and in one shot he's down i smile to myself quit proud but as the rest starts to move Terry gets shot he's laying there in the middle of the path as the rest takes cover and looks at me " Harrison come help me " he says as another shot is being fired right at him " I can't right now terry just don't move " I say to him as he starts crawling he doesn't listen to the medic telling him not to move another shot goes of and that one is straight threw his head i close my eyes and sigh, fucking hell i curse under my breath.

We don't even know where the shooter is standing Ryan and two other guys David and Harold run to my side and take cover behind me " where is he " Ryan asks me I can't tell him cause I didn't know were the shots came from I'm move a little further when I encounter a door it's closed but we can pass thru there and get the guy as i push the door open with my foot there's a little boy on the floor crying over his mother she looks dead and the boy looks pale as his eyes stare in to mine " pourquoi elle bouge plus maman " i hear him say but I don't understand french only thing I understand is was mommy i move closer to him making sure no one is behind the door i kneel down next to him and smile " you're gonna be ok we are Americans " i say and watch the boy look at me confused he puts his hand on my arm and looks back at his mother.

The kid isn't older then 5 I take his hand in mine i can see tears dripping down his cheeks as he throws himself into my arms and holds me tight i get up still holding him David asks me something but I don't listen " tu vas m'aider " he says to me David translates for me " the kid asks if ur gonna help him " i hear him say i turn around to face him and tell him to tell the kid that I'm gonna try David translates the boy looks at me and then his mother " tu va aider ma maman "

" you gonna help his mother " David says walking closer to me I can't answer that and tell the kid he will never see her again his big blue eyes stare in mine and all i can do is smile as he rests his head on my shoulder.


After its been cleared and the little village had been secure i ask David to ask the kid what his name is " he tells me he's called Henry " as David tells me his name my chest feels heavy i look at the boy and take him in my arms as I start to cry. He has the same name as my boy " pourquoi tu pleure ? " he asks David translating again " he's asking why are you crying "

" tell him that....that emm... Reason I'm crying is because he has the same name as my son and that i wanna see him again "
David talks to the boy his little hand reaching my cheek as he smiles and rest his head against my chest and says something " he likes and trusts you " David says getting up and walking away. I can't keep this kid with me there a war going on and i bet he has a father waiting somewhere for.

As i look down on him his eyes are closed and his breathing is even and he isn't crying anymore his little hand holds mine, i sigh and close my eyes just for a second.

As they day goes by Henry keeps holding my hand the captain does not approve of this but we have nothing else we can do we can't leave him there in this village destroyed by the germans, and he has no one so as long as his with us he's safe the captain even told me he's is my responsibility i took it upon my self to take care of him until i find his family.

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