Dinner all together

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Carrie was quietly sipping at her coffee when she heard loud footsteps run down the stairs followed by a cry, she knew who was crying and quickly got up, seeing henry and Martin run right passed her and outside.

" mommy...." James cried spread out at the end of the stairs.

" aww baby " she said picking him up and hugged him.

" my head made a big boom on the floor " James said still crying a little.

Carrie felt sorry for him and gently kissed the spot that hurt on his head.

" ok the guys downstairs " Harrison asked also running down the stairs and slipping at the last two steps making both Carrie and James laugh.

" yes they are " Carrie answered helping her husband up.

" you also fall dad just like me " James laughed.

" yeah i sure did, but we're late so gotta go love you guys " he said quickly kissing both his son and wife.

Carrie was smiling and shacking her head at how crazy the latest days had been, and she loved it.

" what we go do today " James asked his mother.

" hmmm let's see dad is at the restaurant with grandma and Pauline, henry and Martin are at school "

" we go see daddy so i can eat my ice cream " James asked making his mother laugh.

" we can go get Henry and Martin from school then we go see daddy and we can maybe eat there, what do you think "

" i think its a great idea " he said kissing his mother's cheek.


After spending a quit day with James at home and having cleaned the house a little Carrie sat with James on her lap in the bus. If she wanted to be in time when the boys got out of the school she had to leave adleast 20 Minutes earlier.

" mommy look " James whispered pointing at a dog.

" yeah i see it's a cute one "

" can we have one " he asked looking back at her

" no we can't "

" why we can't "

" cause I'm afraid you might be allergic to dogs too "

James groaned and pouted " but i am not algic look " he said getting up and walked over to the dog who started barking, James quickly turned around and jumped back into his mother's arms.  " i don't like " he said almost crying, carrie could feel his heart beat at a thousand miles, she had to laugh at his reaction, but now she was happy he didn't like dogs which would mean they wouldn't have to buy one.

" when we arrive at Henry's school " he asked a little while after

" almost ok "

" ok cause I'm hungry " he laughed pulling his shirt up to show his stomach " Im fluffy, right mommy "

" yes but i love it "

" look " he said pinching his baby fat and letting go. Carrie laughed and kissed cheek. " Silly boy " she thought as she slowly saw the halt they had to get off.

As they approached the school they could see some kids walk out already, James was trying to look for his brother but couldn't see him " hello Carrie " they both heard a little girl say passing by them.

" oh hi Mily, how are you doing " carrie asked.

" good and my big brother is coming home this weekend so im super happy "

I'll be back home soon Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя