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September 1950.

If you had told Carrie that one day she would drop her son to school she would have laughed, but today it was real. And her natural alarm woke her up like usual, James woke up exactly at 7 every morning and stormed into his parents bedroom, jumping on the bed till the 2 were awake.

" daddy " James yelled and got his father to turn and groan in his pillow. " why you naked when you sleep " the little boy asked getting Harrison to quickly cover himself and blush a little.

" because i was warm all night " Harrison said as carrie rolled her eyes at him.

" i do that too daddy, when i warm is fun naked " James laughed and jumped on his father not caring where he landed.

" ouch, James ... " Harrison whispered and rolled in the bed.

" sorry " James apologised and kissed his father's head. As carrie laughed.

Carrie got out of bed and made her way to Henry's bedroom the little boy was still asleep but she had to wake him up, gently sitting on the side of his bed she whispered his name.

" don't wanna go " he groaned and opened his eyes.

" come on get dressed we eat and then we gotta go it'll be fun " she said kissing his forehead


Henry was holding on tight to his father leg as he watched a few kids run and play together. He looked around but didn't wanna move.

" honey, we're gonna have to go " carrie said crouching down next to henry, he nodded no and moved behind Harrison's legs so no one could see him.

" hello and welcome " a women said shacking both Harrison and Carrie's hand " Im the first grade teacher misses Wilson "

Both greeted the teacher and talked a little, she was asking James if he was the one starting school, the little boy laughed and pointed at his brother still hiding. Misses Wilson kneeled down and looked at him. " hi there " she said but Henry didn't move.

" whats your name honey " she asked as he finally looked at her.

" Henry " he said quietly and looked up at his parents.

" henry that's a beautiful name, so tell me how old are you "  she asked

" 6 " he answered and smiled, he let go of Harrison's leg now feeling a little less scared and nervous.

" your a big boy for 6 years old " she said noticing he was taller then all the kids around.

" and look my teeth is gonna fall soon and my dad tell me the fairy will take it " he said pointing at his front teeth

" oh i see " she said as a little boy ran to her.

" miss when are we going to class " he asked tapping her shoulder

" soon don't worry, but here say hello to Henry " she said getting and greeting Carrie and Harrison a good day as the two boys introduced.

" Im martin wanna come play with me " he said as henry nodded " come were gonna play soccer " martin said already running to some other boys playing, Henry ran after him almost forgetting to say goodbye to his parents, he turned around and quickly ran to them, Harrison picked him up and kissed cheek

" have a good sweetheart " Carrie said feeling a little emotional, Harrison put him back down, he ran back to the kids and waved as James waved back.

" i also want school " James said as they walked back to the car

" in only two years don't worry " carrie answered putting him in the back seat.

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