And thats it

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Carrie suddenly woke up in the middle of the night not feeling her husband next to her she wondered for a minute where he could be, she heard a couch from outside due to the window being open, she got out of bed and made her way downstairs.

Seeing no lights on she walked a little further into the room and heard the couch again. She quickly walked to the front door to open it and saw Harrison sitting outside.

" what are you doing here " she asked but he didn't look at her and kept looking at the sky.

" i couldn't sleep, i can never sleep " he said as Carrie sat down next to him on the front porch steps

" what are talking about " she asked taking his hand in hers

" i have been trying to hide this from you ever since i got back from France, Im sorry Carrie " he said hugging her as a few tears escaped

" for what, what did you do "

" Its not what i did it's what's happening "

" tell me " she said looking back at him and holding his head in her hands

" I've been having those nightmares ever since im back and i just don't know what to do, and i don't wanna bother you with this because...."

" because what I'm your wife if one of us has a problem we face it together, how bad are the nightmares "

" there bad but i was so scared to tell you anything " he said his voice shacking as he cried   " Im sorry cause i lied to you "

" about what " she asked whipping his tears with her thumb

" the reason i went back they didn't call me back i wanted to go, and i always told you i was ok but I'm not. I tried hiding this from you and i was stupid "

Carrie just stared at him she couldn't speak right now.

" you're mad at me aren't you " he asked as her hands dropped. " you can yell at me cause i can see you're mad "

" no I'm not but why would you wanna leave us " she asked crying a little herself now

" i didn't wanna leave you and the boys but i wanted to go back, i felt like i had too "

" are there other things you're not telling me "

" no, that's it " he said taking her hand now needing to touch her

" how long have i been sleeping alone at night "

" almost every night, then before the sun comes up i go back to bed "

" aren't you happy here " she ask softly not looking at him anymore

" i am but after all that happened with my parents my father i had to get away from it all "

" why do you never talk to me, i could have helped you.. you know that right "

" yeah i do " he said with sigh and got up

" where are you going " she asked catching up to him

He turned around and took her in his arms tightly. She sigh into his embrace and closed her eyes " i would never hurt you Carrie "

" you never hurt me " she said raising her head where it lay on his chest

" i have and I'm sorry and i want you to help me, your the only person that can "

" what do you want me to do " she asked as his hand cupped her cheek and tears formed in his eyes

" i want you to tell me that ill be alright "

I'll be back home soon Where stories live. Discover now