Reed Max - Not Again

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I'm having a great time sitting beside Reena eating my fruits and nuts. It's a small step but it's in the right direction and even though I can tell she was very nervous about sitting with me and Sheldon, she did anyways. That's until Isla friends came and I thought she was going to leave. I only got up because I thought they would come after me but I now see that they were actually trying to make Reena uncomfortable, but Reena flat out ignored them and Sheldon made sure they didn't step out of line. That's why he's my best friend, always doing and saying what's right and always having my back.

I look to my left and her eyes are already on me, she smiles, blushing and drops her head. Her curls hide her face but I know she's still smiling as pulls open her yogurt. So, she has peanut allergies, I need to ask her what other health conditions she has. I would not want to give her something not knowing it isn't good for her health. I saw her once in the hospital and I don't ever want to see her there again. Unless she's a doctor or a nurse and I'm delivering roses to her. Like my Dad does for my Mom at her job.

I've always thought about doing that for Isla, after all, we've been together since the ninth grade and I deeply loved her. I still do but it's not like how it was, even before she left we were drifting apart. She was my best friend and my girlfriend, all in one but seven months before the departure she had wanted us to see other people and even though I didn't want to she did anyways. I was miserable for five of those seven months but I still loved her so I held on. But she didn't want to be with me anymore and so I finally accepted that and just, with time, I let her go.

But those seven months, I wasn't just miserable, I was also admiring another girl. Reena, she was always doing her and not caring about anyone else. She wears whatever she wants and always looks cute in dresses, ripped pants, leggings, sneakers, flats, and just about everything. What I really really liked and still do is her dark curly thick hair. It's like a shield when she lets it loose then a crown when she wears it atop her head and the curly hair at her temples makes her face look even cuter.

It took me forever to approach her but when I did it was just a lucky shot. I saw her at my house party and she looked a bit drunk and the events of that night I will never forget or regret. I might have wanted her to be mine first before we had sex, especially when I found out she was a virgin. If I had the chance to do it over, I would've waited and made it special for her. For us, but mostly for her.

Her hand grabs mine and I'm jolted from my thoughts and back to reality. I squeeze hers and look across to see her breathing hard, her chest rising and her body slightly trembling. I watch as she pulls up the sleeves of her sweater. She looks different, her whole demeanor has changed and she clutching at her throat. Panic rattles my chest but before I can ask what's wrong, she gets up. When I see her face, my eyes widen in shock. It's swollen.

She grabs her throat and I can see that she's struggling to breathe, I jump up and hold her arm but her eyes are closing and she looks like she's about to faint. And that's exactly what she does, but before she collapses I catch her.

Sheldon is right next to me and as he sees her condition, he pulls out his phone and is talking to 911.

"Reena?" I whisper because I don't know what's happening.

"It's her nut allergy," Sheldon says, looking worriedly at me. I get even more confused because I got her a yogurt without any nuts. "The yogurt did have any nuts." I say to him and he looks up at me, staring before his eyes narrow.

"What?" I ask, looking down at Reena whose breathing slows.


And worse, there's nothing I can do. Just like last time. My chest burns and I shake from the anger.

"Where are Amilda and Alyssa?" Sheldon asks and when I look up to tell him I don't know, I see him looking around, except he can only see so far as everyone is crowded around us. His eyes land on me, furious and wild and that's when I figure out why he asked.

"They wouldn't," I say and he arches a brow at me that makes me question if they would.

We hear running feet and as the crowd gives way I see that it's two paramedics. One holding a gurney, the other a medical bag. He lands beside us and begins asking questions about what happened before and if we know of any medical conditions, I tell him about her peanut allergy and that's when they begin rushing.

They place her on the gurney and rush with her outside, where they put her in the ambulance. I step up along with the paramedic, saying shes my girlfriend . They speed off and the paramedic begins working while I sit and do nothing, only stare.

I watch as he lifts her shirt and he stops, looking at her round tummy. He moves a hand there and gently presses a hand down below her waist. I watch as his eyes widen and he swears. I ask him what's wrong but he's focused on placing an oxygen mask over her face and administering CPR.

He tells her to hold on, and I get scared. Scared for her.

When the ambulance stops, the door flies open and they begin taking her out and wheeling her into the hospital. I'm there by her side, holding her lifeless hands, praying she'll be okay. Two nurses run up and the paramedics begin relaying to them her condition.

"Anaphylaxis due to peanut allergy, patients' blood pressure and heart rate are decreasing rapidly. She's also pregnant."

My head snaps up. "What?"

A nurse pulls me off and I watch in absolute terror as they rush her into a room and close the doors. I know I should be worried about her and I am, but the one thing that keeps jumping out at me is the word "Pregnant".


Our first and only night together comes flashing back. The events play through my mind until I'm certain of one huge fact. I did not use a condom.

"She's pregnant," I whisper to myself. "for me?"


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