Reed Max - Claire Max

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"Mr. Max," the doctor says, and my dad looks at me, and I stand. When the doctor sighs, my dad moves to stand beside me and my mom holds my hand, "We tried everything, and so she pulled through."

My legs go weak as I feel a rush of relief at his words, and I actually have to sit as he continues to relay the news. Initially, she lost a lot of blood, so much in fact that it rendered her unconscious and could have ultimately killed her.

As he continues to talk, instead of feeling relieved I'm somewhat even more concerned. "Is she going to be okay?"

"Yes, I assure you. She will be fine."

"And the baby?" My mom asks, and the doctor smiles for the first time since he's been here.

"She's perfectly healthy. Eight pounds and eleven ounces."

"She?" My dad says and looks at me, "It's a girl?"

I smile and give him a small nod, "I told you."

As they continue to ask the doctor an array of questions, I zone out and try to think about Reena, and how she must be feeling. What might be going through her mind, hell, I don't even know if she's awake, and if she is, I hope she isn't too scared.

Before the doctor leaves, I stand and ask, "When can I see her?"

"Now, if you'd like."

I nod and as he leaves, I sit down with my parents and we all breathe a sigh of relief.

"Wait, where's Ms Waters?" I ask, and my mom rolls her eyes, and I know what she's going to say before she even says it.

"She left, said we were to call her when she had the baby."

I shake my head and my mom tells me to forget about it, but I can't. "Reena's isn't going to be so happy about this after everything she's been through and her own mother couldn't even wait to make sure she was okay."

I sigh and lean back into the chair, my dad shakes his head and my mom stands, "Well, she has us. She's had us over the last few months, and I know that's not the same but at least we are here, at least you are." She smiles at me, "Reed, when you told me we were going to be grandparents I honestly didn't think you were ready, but you've proven yourself every day and I am proud of you, I am proud of the man you've become, and I know you're going to make a great father."

I stand and hug her, "Thanks, mom."

Dad stands too, "Now, go, she's waiting to see you."

I hug my dad too, "Aren't you guys coming?" I ask before I leave, and mom looks at dad then back at me, "I think you three should get some time alone first. We can wait, we aren't going anywhere."

I smile at the both of them and make my way to Reena.

When I enter the room, I see a nurse who is moving around the bed, Reena's eyes are closed, and I don't see the baby.

"Where's my daughter?" I ask the nurse when she turns to leave, and she tells me to give her minute, she's going for her. I nod, and she leaves, and I move to the bed to be next to Reena. I stare at her for a good long minute before I actually have the nerve to touch her and to feel her warm skin gives me goosebumps. She's alive.

The door opens, and I turn to see the nurse with our baby. She carries her over, all the while smiling at her until she gently places her in my arms. She has to show me how to correctly first, making sure I support her head and her back before she finally leaves. She too has her eyes closed and I take the opportunity to look at her features. She has soft hair with faint curls and her lips are rose like rose petals. I hear a cough and I turn to see Reena's sitting up, she sees me and smiles, then her attention drops to my hands, and I see her body tense.

"It's a girl, like I said." I move closer to where she is, as a tear runs down her face. She looks at me then holds out her hand and I pass the baby to her, I notice she's nervous at first, even more than I was and I smile. "Make sure you're supporting her back and neck." She nods without looking at me and then when the baby stretches out both hands, Reena finally smiles, and I see her whole body relax.

"Reed, she's perfect."

I sit beside her and stare at her, "She is." She catches me looking at her and smiles.

"Well, what should be her middle name?"

"Middle name?" I ask, and she looks at me, brow raised.

"Yes, we already know her first name is Claire, so what should be her middle name?"

At the mention of my sister's name, a weird feeling washes over me, and I drop my head and nod. Reena notices my mood change and holds my hand, I look up. She smiles, and I smile too.

She turns her attention back to the baby, then just like clockwork, there's a knock on the door and mom and dad come in.

My mom is the first to reach the baby, and she's immediately gushing. Reena offers her to hold her and she accepts.

"You guys make a cute kid," Dad says and comes up to stand behind mom. "What did you guys name her?"

"Haven't decided on a middle name yet," I say, "so, for now, it's Claire Max."

They both look up at the same time and I smile, because I know it means a lot to them.

"Claire Max." My mom repeats and she begins to tear up. Dad hasn't said a word, but I know he's more than happy with the name. I don't think anything could've made him happier.

They continue to hold their grandchild until a nurse comes to take her after she begins getting fussy. "I think it's her feeding time, I'll bring her back later. Try to rest, after all, you just had a baby." She smiles at Reena and leaves with Claire.

"Well, I can see that you are in good hands Reena, so we're going to run home, but we'll be back later." Mom kisses me on the cheek while Dad embraces me into a hug, then they leave.

It isn't long before Reena falls asleep and I follow suit.


The votes were unanimous and so, Reena lives!!!!!!!

Thanks to everyone that has been with me from the beginning and to all those that have just begun the journey, I hope the book is enjoyable and yes, I know there are errors, but I will be correcting them in short order. Thanks again for the continued support.

And as always, Happy Reading!!

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