Reed Max - Happy New Year

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Reena spent the next four days after that in the hospital because of the flu, but mainly because her uncle wanted to keep a direct eye on her. When she finally got released, she just slept for days. She did wake up eventually to have a bite of something or take a shower, but it was mostly her sleeping. She said she was getting enough before school reopened and I don't really blame her or am I upset that she rather sleeps than spend her time with me. It's just that I want to talk with her about that night and just apologize, but I can't and I feel like she knows and she's just avoiding the conversation.

After we found her, my Dad let the rest of the family know she was okay. Later that day they all came together to tell me how they felt wrong about what went down and how it could have cost the lives of Reena and my child. I honestly didn't want to hear any of it because it only made me angrier. Angry at the fact that my family members see themselves as better than others because of their race and think they can treat others as they see fit just because of that reason. It disgusts me to my core and it makes me want to protect Reena even more. Protect the child that she carries, my child.

I've asked her many times to come and stay with me because my parents don't mind, in fact, my Dad is the one that's encouraging it and Mom isn't disagreeing. But Reena declines every time, saying she doesn't want to impose but deep down I think she doesn't want to leave because of her mom. Even though her mom doesn't seem to care about her, she deeply cares about her and just wants to make sure she's okay, and the only way that can happen is if she's there with me.

It's new years eve, and we're just minutes away a brand new year, and while everyone I know is at a party, I'm spending it here with my girls. Right now I'm lying beside her on her bed, and I'm rubbing my hand over her very round belly. "I'm really serious Reena. I want you to move in with me, my parents think it's a great idea and so do I."

She looks at me then and smiles, "I know you're concerned about my safety Reed, and I appreciate it. I actually think it's sweet that you care about me, but you know I can't leave." 

"Your mom I know." I sigh and run my hands across her cheek, "I still don't like the idea of you being here, without me."

Well, you are always invited to move in." I screw up my face, and when she sees my face, she laughs and pokes me in my chest. "Exactly my point."

"Well fair enough." I kiss her on her lips and when she lets out a deep breath, I kiss her deeper and deeper until I'm lost and I'm only found because of the lack of oxygen.

"Can't keep up?" She mocks me with a laugh and when I nibble her cheeks, she cracks up and I begin laughing too.

"I love you, Reena." This time when I say it, unlike a few weeks ago where I saw fear and doubt in her eyes, this time I only see adoration.

She leans up on her arms and drop her head to the side, and just stares at me. "I love you too Reed Max."

I wrap my arm around her back to lend her my support and pull her closer to me. "I actually believe you"

"I wouldn't have said it if it wasn't true." She kisses me then and all I can do is kiss her back.

"I hope...our baby... is a girl," I say in between breaths and when she stops, she's looking at me weirdly.

"You're being serious?" She asks, with with a raised brow.

"Very serious."

She smiles and bites her lip, "Okay, why?"

"Isn't it obvious, she's going to look like you. So get ready for some competition."

She laughs loudly, even coughing creating water in her eyes. "You're so funny." She drops back down on the bed and pulls me close to her.

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