Happily Married

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Even though the rain began drizzling a little to the end of the wedding service it was everything I wanted. The marriage officiant wanted to hurry and end the service and I didn't mind because my feet were killing me and I wanted to pee.

After a few seconds the drizzling rain started coming down a little bit harder everyone decided to run to the reception area, I tried moving to go with them but Reed held on to me and just smiled.

I turned to the marriage officiant who removed a small umbrella from his jacket and opened
it over his head and smiled. I took that as a good sign and clasped Reed's hand tightly and smiled into his eyes.

He turned to the marriage officiant and said "Let's go." and he nodded.

As I began my vows, I was watching Reed and as he began to cry I knew that it was right.

"... you've been patient with me even when I wasn't patient with myself. You've loved me more than anyone else has ever did and taught me how to love myself. You've been my rock, my guide and my motivation. You came into my life and blessed me with a miracle, our daughter. You've literally everything to me and I can not imagine my life without you in it. Everyday I wake up to you I count my lucky stars the day I went to that party. I know loving me hasn't been easy but you've never complained and for that I am grateful.

Reed Max, I'll never stop loving you and I'm happy and proud to be your partner and wife."

Reed bit his lips and nodded his head then started talking,

"Reena I knew from the moment we met that I wanted you to be mine. I fell in love with you every minute of every day I was with you. You consumed me to the point I didn't want to be away from you, that I couldn't stop thinking about you. I knew I was deeply in love with you and I must admit I was scared because I couldn't tell if you felt the same but eventually I found out from your actions.

Then the day came when you brought our daughter into this world and I almost lost you and I knew more than anything else that I never wanted to feel that pain again, I knew I wanted you in my life forever.

I'm the happiest man knowing that today starts the first day of forever and I promise you that I'll always love, respect and cherish you. You mean everything to me and I love you more than anything in this world.

I love you now, forever and even in death. You'll always have my heart."

He pulls me to him and places his lips on my forehead and whispers, "Always."

The wedding officiant then clears his throat and asks for rings. Reed turns and shouts Sheldon's name and motions for the rings. About a couple seconds later I saw Sheldon coming out with an umbrella over his head and
with Claire on the left side of his hip.

Claire hands us the rings and I repeat after the wedding officiant as I slipped it on Reed's finger and he does the same to me. As the marriage officiant reaches the end the drizzling turns light and while I look up to the sky, Reed pulls me to him and kissed me hard.

I hear sounds of laughter and applauses and we stop to look and everyone is back out in the open. I pull Reed's face to mine and I kissed him deeply and passionately and he squeezed me into his arms. When we stopped I took his hands and placed it on my stomach. He looks confused for only a second before his mouth dropped open and his eyes widened.

"I found out this morning." I say and he lifts me off my feet and spins me around. I scream excitedly then he stops and kissed me hard.

Reed then drops to his knee and rests his head on my stomach and says something I don't hear. When he gets up I ask him what he said but he just smiles and winks at me.

Just then he holds up his hands and smiles at me before turning back to everyone,

"Not only are we married but my wife is expecting our second baby."

His mom is the first to reach us and and she engulfs me into a tight hug. My uncle stands to the side and I bore my way through the crowd to get to him. He places his hand on my cheek and a tear rolls down his cheek. "Your mother would be so very proud of you."

A tear rolls down my cheek and I nod at him as I take a deep breath and feel a heavy burden fall from my shoulders, "I know she would." I drop my head, " I miss her so much and I wish she was here."

My uncle places his hand under my chin and lifts my head, "She'll always be here, in spirit, in you." I nod and he pulls me into a tight embrace.

When he lets me go Reed grabs my hand and pulls me back into the crowd. Everyone is throwing flower petals on us and singing us congratulations, I can't help but feel lucky to have someone who loves me more than anything in the world.

I turn to him, holding his hands and whisper "I love you." And he whispers it back just as he has done time and time again.

Happy Reading!!!!

***Happy Reading!!!!

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You have reached the conclusion to my story. I want to say thanks for reading it, it was truly appreciated. I started this story really because I liked the genre and most stories I wrote always made the guy out to be an asshole that treated the girl like trash.

In my story I wanted the male protagonist to be caring from the jump. Also, I wanted my female protagonist to be treated like a queen because that's what she and every woman deserves.

Again thank you and I hope you enjoyed it!

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