Reed - Support System

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Ever since the funeral, Reena hasn't said a word and that was three days ago. I completely understand that she's still in mourning and it will take some time for her to be at least okay, but not talking to anyone cannot be healthy at all.

Before the funeral, she was very vocal in helping to arrange everything which wasn't easy as it was just her and her uncle. They didn't have anyone else to call or ask for any moral support and I think that's what really took a toll on her. Reena's mom and her uncle had it especially difficult growing up. They were orphans and moved around a lot since the young age of just five while he was only three. They knew and still know nothing about their biological parents. When her mom was only sixteen she was able to get a one bedroom after she had stopped going to school and took up working full time. Dr Wallace, however, said that she encouraged him to attend school and so he did eventually earn a scholarship to Perelman School of Medicine.

At her funeral, he was the only family while the others were close friends and even her boss along with her co-workers. Everyone was nice especially to Reena and while she tried to smile and stand strong, I knew she was dying inside and now that's she's not talking, I definitely know it was true. The only time she smiles or laughs is with Claire, but in the dead at nights when Claire isn't with her and she thinks I'm asleep, I hear her crying. The first night I caught her crying she just wouldn't say anything and it has continued.

My mom says I should give her time but it's hard to ignore it when she's hurting. Since yesterday, she hasn't eaten anything, and she has been staying by herself. It's late in the evening and we just had dinner and she didn't come down. When I brought it up to her, she didn't even look at it or me.

I must do something now, I can't stand to see her like this anymore.

"Hey." She just stepped out the shower and I'm sitting at the desk, "We need to talk." She moves to the closet and I follow behind her, "Please."

She sighs and turns to look at me. Under her eyes are dark and puffy "Reena, I know I could never understand what you're going through, but I at least know this, not talking about it isn't healthy for you."

She nods, places her hand to her mouth and starts biting her nails. Then she trembles and slaps her hand over her mouth as the tears start coming down her face. I grab her as she starts to cry, and I slide to the ground with her in my arms.

As she cries I don't say anything but hold her. We stay like that for a long time until she stops sobbing, "It's my fault."

When she says those words, I lift her head and stare at her and I see it in her eyes, the guilt.

"Your mother's death isn't your fault."

She shakes her head and the tears start running down her face.

"It is because if I had just stayed silent and not said anything to the police she'd still be here."

I hug her then, as tightly as I can. "Don't say that, none of this is your fault. You did the right thing reporting him." Her words send a crushing blow through my chest as I finally understand the depths of her grief and pain. Reena is blaming herself for the entire ordeal and this is not good because she didn't do anything wrong. He was abusing them, hell, she could've lost our baby after their last encounter.

I let her go and look her dead in the eyes, "Do you hear me? You did the right thing he's the one that did all the wrong, not you, but him."

She nods and closes her eyes, "Please, you don't deserve any of this guilt." She looks at me and gives me a small smile, "I love you okay."

Her smile widens, and I kiss her on the lip, "I missed that smile."

"I'm sorry about that, I just felt so awful" She takes a deep breath, "I just miss her so much."

"I know you do and you should, that's only natural." She nods again, and I finally get up and pull her up from the ground.

"Let me go get Claire." I turn to leave but she stops me.

"I love you. I love you so much it scares me Reed."

"I love you too." I say, and she looks down and her feet then back up.

"I want us to get married at the end of school." She smiles, and I move closer to her "Yes, I'm sure." She rolls her eyes.

"We finally have a date." She nods and kisses me.

"I'm sorry if I didn't seem like I was ready, I was just afraid and wanted to get other things in place first."

I smile at her, "You didn't have to explain, I know you love me and that's really all that matters."

She rolls her eyes again, "Stop trying to be so understanding I knew it made you a bit mad."

I don't say anything because she's right except I wasn't mad, I just felt rejected.

"I know you had your priorities and marriage doesn't need to be rushed, so yes, I understand."

She places her hands around my neck and pulls my head closer to hers, "I'm so lucky to have you." Before I can say anything, she kisses me deeply and I lift her off her feet, she wraps her legs around my waist and I tug at the towel until it falls away.

She laughs into my mouth and I take her back into the shower.




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