Reed - Introductions

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After the shower, I help Reena out then wrap her body in a towel then another for her her hair. She giggles as I tousle her hair and the sound sends waves through my heart. I never in a million years thought I would feel so immensely passionate about someone, well I did, but after that fell flat I never thought anyone else could make my heart feel like a thousand lit fireworks on independence day. 

With Reena there is something different though, my love for her is free and unmatched to anything I've ever felt. I don't feel weighed down by my feelings for her, I feel and know they're mutual and it makes loving her so much easier, so much better.

"You're giving me that look again?" Her voice pulls me from my trance and all I do is stare. Damn, if only she knew how much she meant to me. 

"Oh, I'm not allowed to stare at what's mine anymore?" I pull her close and take the towel from her head and watch her dark hair fall to her shoulder, and again I can't help but be captivated by her pure and untamed beauty.

She must notice me staring again because she smiles and bites her lip, "I love it when you say I'm yours."

I out do her smile with a grin and run my fingers through her hair, "Any other requests?"

"Don't ever stop making me feel worthy." 

As she says those words I catch a glimpse of her vulnerability and her fear, and before she can mask it, I grab her face and force her to look at me. "Don't ever think you are unworthy of anything. You are everything Reena." I take a deep breath and tilt my head to the side, "I only wish you knew how my heart only beat for you."

She rolls her eyes and gives me a small smile. "Sometimes I do, but then there are times when I think, I don't know. What if you lose interest in me, what if," She sighs ad drops her eyes away from mine.

"Look, Reena, I don't know about any other guy but I was raised to believe in love, to cherish it, but most importantly, my parents taught me to never give up on love." I let her face go and start scratching the back of my head, "Sometimes I come off as corny and that fault is due to my father." I smile as the memories of him trying to serenade my mom with the corniest lines to ever exist, but he would always make her smile. Growing up I always wanted to be like him, and to have a love like he's managed to sustain with my mom. 

"Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong generation, and even though I haven't done everything right, I'm trying, and if you let me, Reena," I sigh and hold her hand, "You have to let me. I won't let you down. I refuse to make you anything but happy."

She drops her head and I see her wipe a tear, "I don't think you're corny." She lifts her head and smiles, "I think you're perfect."

"And I think we're perfect, together."

At that, she grins and I kiss her, and I think to myself, How could I ever get tired of this?

"Okay, go check on Sheldon, see of he's still alive." I laugh and run my hands over her round belly. 

"Don't take long," I say and immediately regret it when she raises a brow at me.

"Now that's something you don't ever tell a girl because now I'm gonna have to take extra long."

I laugh, "And why is that?"

She shrugs, "It's a law. Girls code, you wouldn't understand."

I raise my hands in defeat. "No arguments there."

She passes my clothes from her closet and I quickly get dressed. I leave her to get ready and go downstairs, where Sheldon is with his date, Lean. They're both on the couch, laughing and chatting.

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