Chapter 4

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Vivian's POV

      Today is a new day. I'm determined to support my best friend through it all. Even if it means I have to extinguish my feelings for him. I'd be doing nothing but, hurting myself by wishing he were mine.

      This is what being a friend is about; sacrificing ones own selfish needs for another's happiness.

      And so here I am now, having lunch with Richard talking about none other than the beautiful Alise. For the gazillionth time.

"She really is amazing, Viv. You should see her during one of her shoots; she's so professional and concentrated. It's admiring really." he spoke animatedly.

"Wow, that's great Rich. I'm happy you've found her." I said genuinely. I tried to smile but, it must've come off as a grimace.

"You okay there, Viv?" his facial expression was etched with worry.

"Yeah, totally fine," I smiled, this time with teeth, "so are you bringing her to your family reunion? I'm sure Uncle Mike would be curious." I changed the subject so suddenly that Richard was lost for a second.

"Oh! The reunions this weekend isn't it?"

"Yes, Rich, it's this weekend. Sunday at the Oak Pavilion Park at noon as always. It's the same day every year, and you're always excited to see your cousins from out of state. I'm really surprised you forgot actually."

      The family reunion always excited him to no end. He would talk on the phone with his aunts and uncles for the whole week until the day finally came when he could see them in person.

      The Harding family isn't exactly big but, it isn't small, if you catch my drift. Probably no more than 50 people, and that includes Rich and his parents. They were definitely a funny bunch, and not to mention the food was amazing every year thanks to the Harding females. Food network star material, I tell you.

"I didn't exactly forget. It's just that I've been swamped with work and when I'm not working, I'm with Alise."

Of course, he just throws out excuses. I scoffed.

"Come on, Viv. You know how easily frustrated I get when deadlines are close for publishing, and I can't afford to lose clientele. But I was hoping maybe you could help?"

     Uh oh. This is not good. Whenever Rich phrases the words "maybe" and "help" it means that I'm probably gonna cave and say yes. But let's just say these little favors end up being complete torture. For me, that is.

"I can't balance work with Alise all the time so, I was hoping maybe you can bring her to your girl night with Anna and Maddie. Just this once. Please, Viv. I really just need a day to myself. I'll owe you big time." he was begging by the end of his little proposal and I'm pretty sure I had a look of pure horror on my face.

"Well, look at the time! I'm sure Isis is in need of a break so, I gotta go manage the shop. Businesses don't run themselves you know. Sooo bye!" I grabbed my purse and made a bee line for the door.

     Just as the valet pulled up with my car, Rich came out from the restaurant. Kill. Me. Now.

"Viv, I swear I'll buy you all the Americone Dream Ben & Jerry's ice cream you want."


"I'll buy you a new car. That nice red one in the magazine you saw."


"How about that movie you really liked. What was it? Temptation!"


"Come one, Viv. Pleeeeeaase. With a cherry and sprinkles on top?" he had his hands clasped together and his bottom lip trembling. I did like that movie...


He let out a growl of frustration.

"Viv. I'm asking you as my best friend."

Ugh, I can't believe he just pulled that card.

"California." I stated.


"There's this fashion exhibition in California. It's exclusive but, I really want to see the different designs of the clothing and I wanted to ask for some advice for my pieces."

"You want me to buy you a ticket?"

I rolled my eyes. "Rich, I can afford a ticket; it's getting in that's the problem. My designs aren't up to the point that pros would throw themselves to work with me. I need an in."

"Ah, so you want me to use the famous Harding name to get you in."

Please say yes. Please say yes!


"Wait, what just happened?" I blinked confusingly.

Rich let out a hardy laugh, and proceeded to look at me in amusement.

"You asked for an in, and I said sure. Simple as that." he patted my head affectionately.

"What's the catch?" There's almost always a catch.

"Well you see, Viv, getting you into such an exclusive show won't be easy, and not to mention I'd have to explain my reasoning for you being there. Which I'm sure will need to be a damn good one if they're gonna let you in. So the price may be a little higher than that."

I raised my eyebrow curiously at what he was going to say next.

"You have to take her to girls night, and go shopping with her this Saturday. She needs a good girl friend in the bustling city of New York. You were new once, I'm sure you understand."

"Yeah, but I ended up being best friends with an egotistical player."

He laughed again. "Then you can be the friend she needs."

"But why this Saturday?"

"She needs an outfit for her next go-see and I don't exactly like going shopping."

"That's true, you always complained with me." I said matter of factly.

"Difference is I can tell you the truth about a dress and not get my head ripped off."

This time I was the one that was laughing.

"Fine. I'll do it but, just be sure I get a front seat will ya?"

"Will do." he mock saluted and opened my car door for me.

I got in and buckled my seat belt. Richard softly tapped at my door so, I rolled my windows down.

"Thanks for everything Viv. I seriously don't know what I'd do without you." he kissed me on the cheek and walked to his car.

      I slowly grazed my hand where he had kissed me and looked in the rear view mirror as he was getting in his car. Yeah, maybe this is what I'm suppose to do. I'm suppose to be his rock. I'll always be there when he needs me. That will never change.

      Rich had already told Alise about how she'd be spending Friday with me, Anna, and Maddie. We did this maybe once every month and always on a Friday because that way if we get wasted then we have Saturday to nurse our hangovers.

      Let's just say she didn't take it too well. She wanted to spend time with her "Richy Poo."

      But the plan was already set. Rich had promised to bring my ticket for the exhibition on Sunday at the reunion, and I had to pick Alise up from Gucci.

       I was pulling up as I saw Alise exiting the store. Well here goes nothing.

"Hey Alise! Hop on in." I smiled kindly.

"Thanks for picking me Vivian. I know how Richard is busy and all." she said as she fixed her hair.

     Well whatda ya know? The girl can be understanding.

"It's kinda awesome that you're at his beck and call. It's like you're always there when he needs something done. You're so very loyal to him." she finished reapplying her cherry red lipstick.

      I was shocked to say the least. She just basically named the characteristics of a dog. So that would be indirectly calling me a dog. So therefore she's insulting me. I think her face needs to meet my fist then she can kiss my-

"Oh! I didn't mean it that way." I'm sure she didn't. Psh, puh-lease.

"It's just you two seem to be close."

"Well, we have known each other since high school so yeah I guess you could say that." I said obviously.

"Well yeah there's that but, why him?"

"Excuse me?"

"You know, why be his best friend?" she prodded.

"I don't know really. He was just always there. And he was the guy that everybody could easily talk to. it just happened and here we are now." I said simply.

"Are you only his friend for the money?"

      I gasped and glared at her even though she was too busy putting mascara on her fake eyelashes. I swerved the car on purpose and she had mascara smeared on her cheek. I smiled slightly.

"What was that for?!"

"Oops. Thought I saw a bird, didn't wanna run it over now. That would be animal cruelty." I said innocently.

"And as for your question, the answer is no. We were friends way before the money and success of Harding Inc. ever started. We became friends when it was nothing but a small rental office in a building. The company didn't take off until Rich graduated high school but, now that he's graduated college and worked his way up the ladder, his father thought it was only right that he get CEO."

      She seemed to be processing the information in her nonexistent brain. The rest of the drive was silent until we pulled up at my apartment.

     When her hand grasped the door to open it, I quickly pinned down her shoulder.

"Are you doing it for the money?" I looked her in the eye and saw a flash of fear.

Then she quickly composed herself.

"Of course not. That's ridiculous Vivian. I care about him, and I'm never leaving his side. Ever." Then she exited the car and waited as I got out.


It seemed to be like some kind of warning to back off. But I saw that one emotion in her eyes. The fear of being caught. She's not getting off that easily.

      Maddie and Anna weren't thrilled that Alise was joining our little party. If anything they were as miserable as I was. And yes. They know about my feelings for him. But I think they both understand why I'm throwing in the towel on this one.

"So what do you guys do at these things?" Alise questioned.

"Oh, you know. Talk about boys, job life, bitches who need to be put in their place. That's just to name a few." Anna said nonchalantly but her eyes told a different story as she glared at Alise.

"Ooh! Let's talk about boys! Richard is really amazing, the other day he bought me flowers and sent it to my apartment with a note saying he missed my smiles and how he couldn't wait to see me. And last week, he bought me this Versace dress..."

And that's how our night went. Talking about Richard and how he's "like so perfect!"

      Anna and Maddie were bored out of their minds and I was trying to appear patient but even I was getting ticked off with her.

"Oh last night he took me to this cute little ice cream shop, what's it called ? Oh right, Twinks! Weird name, right? So anyway we shared this chocolate cake but of course I can't eat too much calories but I ate a small bite and it was ok. They didn't have low fat ice cream so I settled for vanilla and then we slow danced to this juke box thingy and then we.."

     I tuned her out after hearing where they went and what they did. Twinks was the place that we officially became friends.

      On my first day at Overton High, I was lost and I couldn't find my locker or my first class. That's when I bumped into him. He had that boyish charm, he still does. He kindly showed me the way and I didn't even get his name. Then at lunch I was sitting alone at one of the corner tables when he just plopped down right across from me. Sure we talked but it was more along the line of classes and where I was from. Basically a conversation for two strangers.

      That was the only time we ever really talked. After that I got use to life at Overton, and even made a few friends. But the biggest thing to ever happen to me was when Zachary Griffin asked me out on a date. He was the schools football captain and a senior, all the girls swooned when he walked past, including me.

      So I was just sitting with my three or four friends when he suddenly asked if I was free that night. Of course I said yes. It would be social suicide if I turned Zachary Griffin down. Plus at the time, I was still a sophomore. I had two more years ahead of me and I did not need his fan club beating me to death about not accepting his offer.

     He had his own car and offered to pick me up. My parents were still together at the time but, unlike most parents, they thought it was a great idea to finally meet some friends and possibly get a boyfriend. Yeah, they were weird like that.

      We went to a little restaurant outside of town and it was okay I guess. But the conversations were boring. It was either about football or well, football. It was that pathetic.

      We were both seated in the car as he pulled up at a deserted park.

"What are we doing here?"

"Just wanted to spend some time with you." he played with the ends of my long hair.

"Oh. Well, I should probably go home. My parents said no later than ten." I started to fidget and my insides became all nervous.

"I'm sure your parents won't get mad babe. They said to have fun so, let's have fun." he said as he started kissing down my neck.

     It felt wrong. It felt so wrong.

      I pushed him off of me and demanded to be taken home. He wasn't too pleased about that and called me something along the lines of "tease" and "slut" and a "all talk no action."

"Get out." he said fiercely.

"Are you serious?"

"I said GET OUT!"

      I quickly undid my seatbelt and ran out of the car. I didn't know where to go and my feet were aching from the heels I was wearing. And I'm pretty sure my face was all red and puffy from crying. Then I saw it. My savior.

      The small bulbs highlighting the word "Twinks" was indeed my savior. I walked towards the little ice cream shop and as I stepped inside it was empty.

      I sat a booth and as a middle aged woman came to take my order I asked to use the phone and she quickly complied seeing my defeated expression. She pointed me in the direction of what must have been the restrooms. I saw a phone hanging on the wall right across from the door.

     Just as I was dialing my dads number, I saw him.

"Hey, aren't you that new girl?"

     I turned around saw the same boyish grin on his face. His grin vanished when he saw my tear stained face.

"Are you ok? Sorry, stupid question. Can I help you in some way?" he looked genuinely concerned for me but I shook my head and thanked him anyway.

      He slowly nodded and walked back to the booths and took a seat while placing his order.


"Daddy?" I tried hard not to sound so scared.

"Vivian is that you? Sweetie where are you?" he asked quickly.

"I'm at an ice cream shop called Twinks. It's right outside of town near that fishing store you go to." I heard the jingling of keys and the rev of an engine.

"I'm on my way now. Don't talk to strangers and if anyone tries anything, scream and run you hear me?"

"Yes, daddy. I hear ya." I smiled slightly at his serious daddy mode.

      I hung up the phone and went into the bathroom to clean myself up. My hair was all over the place from the running and my feet definitely had blisters.

       I tied my hair into a ponytail and massaged my feet for a few seconds before placing those darn heels on. I stepped out the bathroom and saw him still sitting there reading a magazine. I walked past him to the exit and sat at a bench outside the shop.

      Then the seat next to me was occupied by him the next second.

"He's a douche."

"W-what?" I blinked in confusion.

"Griffin, right? I heard you were going out with him tonight."

"How'd you know?"

"It's high school, news travels fast." he grinned.

"He is."

"What?" he cast a side glance at me.

"He's a douche. A big one at that."

"I like you already." he grinned.

"So you wanna talk about it?"

      And that's how I found myself going back into the warm shop to eat cake and ice cream. I spent the next hour talking to him about my disaster date with Zachary. Then I heard a honk outside the shop. Recognizing it as my dads car, I got up to leave but before I left,

"I never got your name." I said to him.

He smiled. "Richard, nice to meet you.."

"Vivian." I smiled back.

     As I pushed the door open, he said probably the most nicest thing I'd heard all night.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school, Viv!"

     After that, we were inseparable.

But then again, maybe it was just me that cherished the place so much. He can bring whoever he wants there. It's not like I have some sort of claim over it. I guess it's the thought him bringing Alise. She had him already but, to take our first mark of friendship? I guess that's where the line was drawn.

      I'm sure Maddie and Anna saw the expression on my face and quickly changed the subject to celebrity gossip. I couldn't stand to hear anymore of her yapping. Richard this, Richard that. We all love Richard! It was getting on my last nerves.

      Thankfully we all decided to just watch a few chick flicks and drink a little wine then we headed off to bed.

      But I was dreading our shopping spree tomorrow. And I never dread shopping.

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