Chapter 26

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Thanks for all the votes and endless support! My 1,000 Vote Goal was met with this story alone! And when you guys comment how you hate/love/annoyed by one of the characters, it means I'm doing it right. I really wish there was a way to connect more with you guys but unfortunately I don't get on Wattpad unless it's to write. I don't even have time to finish some amazing stories in my library. If there's any way we can ever actually get in touch, lemme know :)



"Aww, it's a boy. May I?" she raised her hand near my stomach.

I swallowed and nodded stiffly.

As she moved her hand around, she looked confused. I stepped back, "I really should be going.."

"Oh, of course. Go on, dear, get some rest." she smiled gently.

I nodded stiffly and hugged them both. As I made my way out the store, I didn't bother looking back at the expressions on their faces. Confusion? Sadness? Knowing? I wouldn't know, and I didn't really want to. So here I am, in my car, ready to get away from any contact with people.

Without any food.


I ended up going through a drive thru at McDonald's and ordered off the dollar menu. Well, maybe like a couple of things off the dollar menu.. The most upsetting part about carrying two, heavy bags of McDonald's and a full cup holder, is that when you get home you realize you're alone. No one wants to eat alone. At least not in my circumstances.

I lay the food down on the table and slump on the couch. "Steven?"

I cleared my throat and spoke louder, "Steven?"

Is he seriously going to make me get up?

I sighed and got up to find him. I looked through the bedroom, and the bathroom but he was nowhere to be found. "Did he seriously not come home yet?" 

I rubbed the sides of my arms and walked around looking again just to be sure. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. I went back to the living room and ate in silence. I mean, what was I suppose to do? Cry and get mad at the world. Yeah, I don't think so. 

---2 Hours Later---

"Why did this happen? Why? Why! I didn't deserve this! C'mon, God, tell me. Just strike me with lightening right now!" I screamed as I pointed at the ceiling.

"Are you not man enough to kill me?" I laughed hysterically. "But you'd kill my baby? You might as well take me too!" 

I stomped my foot and started jumping on the ground as if it'll crumble and swallow me whole. I really wish it had. Because what happened next shocked me.

"Open up!" 

I looked at the door as I heard someone banging their fist repeatedly. 

"I said, open up!"

i jumped and crawled to the floor. I made sure my head was low and slowly moved towards the side of the door. Once I had my back pressed to the wall, I tried peering through the key hole, but it's not like the movies. I can't really see much through it. Just a shadow moving but no clear picture. I gave up after my fifth attempt of squinting and the banging of the door getting louder.

I sucked in a breath. "W-who is it?"

"Who do you think?" 

The voice was muffled due to the thick wood and it was definitely female. 

The Player's Best Friend (Completed!)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin