Chapter 14

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"Oh, that's ...nice?" I responded.

"Nice? Nice?! It most certainly is not. Have you met the girl, Viv?"

"We're talking about Alise, right?"

"Yes, that one."

I snickered as she called her "that one." Serves her right.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"Hm? Oh, nothing. Lilly, if he wants to marry her then he marries her." I slipped on my comfy house shoes and wiped my hand down my face in stress.


"Lilly?" I asked to make sure she's on the line.

"How do you feel about this, Viv?" she asked suddenly.

"How should I feel about this?" I asked surprised.

"As Richard's mother, I do notice things dear. He hasn't so much as mentioned you since he got back from L.A. What exactly happened?"

"Don't worry about it. We just had a ... falling out." I couldn't lie to her.

"Mm hm. Fine, don't tell me. Are you coming back to New York?" she changed the subject quickly.

"Why do you ask?" I said as I walked in the kitchen to start the coffee maker.

"Well, it is Richard's wedding and I really have missed you. You know how Rich and Tom get when we have family dinner. It's either sports or the company. And that girl isn't exactly the conversive type."

"I guess I could, but I have to finalize things here so it's not decided if I should head back yet."

"Great! At least you're considering it." I could hear her frustration fading away, "I'll tell Tom you're coming back."

"No, I didn't say-"

Before I could finish my sentence, she had already hung up. I groaned. Why does this happen to me?

He's getting married. How am I suppose to feel about that anyway? Would he invite me to the wedding? Was he even going to tell me? Obviously not. I reached up the cupboard and grabbed the cream and sugar. As I was stirring the sugar in my coffee, the house phone rang. Gosh I must be really popular.



"Yes, this is Vivian." I answered.

"Ms. Richmond has told me many good things about you. You are a fashion designer, yes?"

"Yes," I cleared my throat, "may I ask who's calling?" I sipped my coffee.

"Oh! Silly me, my name is Donna Wright. I'm fashion executive of Vogue in New York. Your hometown, am I correct?"

I instantly got interested. "Yes, it is."

"Good, good. What do you think of working in New York?"

I choked on the coffee and quickly set it down. "You mean like a job? In New York?" I tried to maintain my squeal of excitement.

She laughed. "Yes, as long as you want it Miss Keeley."

"Yes!" Very mature, Vivian.

"I mean, yes, that'd be great." I corrected calmly.

"Fabulous! I understand you'll be wrapping things up in California for the next few days. I'd like for you to come in at Vogue headquarters so we can meet up and talk about your next job."

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